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Thursday, March 19, 2015

What a mess, lunch, help (?)

I am relieved that we got everything covered up before the rain started but the exposed dirt is now wet and muddy. It is impossible to get to the well house without going through the mud and the ruts we made in the back yard are now deep pools of water. It will be several weeks before we are able to do anything in the yard.

In fact, the entire yard seems to be draining to the hole that was dug for the koi pond. At least it has somewhere to go where I can deal with the flow. It does give me some idea how large a project it will be to eventually terrace the yard for drainage. It is a blessing to have the new septic system but it came with a big mess attached. This too shall pass. It is just the flip side of the benefits of rain.

Mama and I went to lunch yesterday and discovered an Italian place in Decatur that is at least equal to the one we found in Bowie. Since it is much closer and they have several items we really like, it will be a frequent stop for us – probably on Friday nights when we have RU. It certainly is popular with the High School students.

While we were there Mama started coughing and ended up wetting herself to the point that it soaked through the skit she was wearing. She needed to go potty badly but refused to go with a wet backside through a crowded eatery. So, we finished lunch and ushered her out of the restaurant. Later I guess she told Peggy about the incident because yesterday evening Peggy called to tell her she had found a coupon for Depend adult diapers and was saving it for Mama.

While she and I were out I also got the parts I need to repair the tractor and brush hog. We stopped at Lowes and got a blind for the bedroom but I had to shut Mama down when I saw her slip into shopping mode. We were on my lunch hour after all. It is nice to be this close to my work so Mama and I can have those times without it costing her all afternoon in travel just to meet with me during the workday.

From second hand reports I am hearing it appears that Grandpa and Norman are buying windows and doors for Victoria’s house in their travels around West Virginia. Victoria is a little concerned about the quality of the acquisitions especially since she has not seen any of the items that Grandma tells her are “really nice” or “just beautiful”.

I have advised her to encourage them to keep going; to maintain their focus. Anything they bring will be used in one way of another on one of the two properties. It won’t go to waste and as long as they are enthused enough to purchase the items and set them aside for the house we should keep the momentum going; but she does feel left out. (Welcome to my world in dealing with my in-laws.)But I never turn down their help.

God has mysteriously clever ways of using these times to our benefit and His Glory.


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