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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Easter Sunday, diet

Sunday was a fun time for the little ones at the church. For me, Resurrection Sunday is always a highlight of the year – although I stressed over the songs that generally accompany that service which are very high for a song leader with a bass voice. But the Lord gave me the strength of voice and the grace to get through it well. Since we had had such hard rains overnight, all the egg hunting took place in the fellowship hall which is a large, open gymnasium style building.

All the eggs were laid out on the floor and the younger children wandered from pile to pile of the brightly colored, candy filled eggs. It was interesting to watch since nothing was hidden. Every child would go from pile to pile rather than stay in one spot and fill their basket – which could easily have been done. How much like us who flit from one project to another, one dream to another, one job to another rather than taking what is set before us – always having in our minds something a little bit better than what we already have? But then again, who wants to just fill up a basket and be done?

By the time it was all done every child had a basket, bowl, box or bucket so full they were not able to keep the contents from overflowing and their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and unrelated bystanders were having to recover the overage. As in all activities of that nature, it was over too quickly. The memories will be gone too soon for the little ones. The candy will last a few days. Pictures taken will capture a moment in time but not the energy of the event.

Like birthdays and Christmases it will serve as a foundation upon which a sense of expectation and excitement will be built that will carry forward the joy of those events for many years to come; until it is their turn to set out the eggs to be hunted or to buy the empty eggs and fill them with candy to be set out to be hunted – just for the sheer joy of watching them be collected in baskets, bag and buckets by little ones who may or may not remember; until next year. We need those moments.

Brittany and Andrew stayed over the afternoon and went to church with us Sunday evening. Andrew remarked that at our church he seemed better known than at the church they attended for two years in Mississippi. I am glad they both felt welcome. They headed home after we spent some time at Wendy’s – our usual stop after Sunday night services.

Our diet is going well, I think. We are sticking close to the plan, however; none of us are following it as though we are wholly committed to it. What we are doing is far better than doing nothing different and it will largely accomplish the goal I have in mind. Whether or not Mama needs to be far more strict with herself is another issue to deal with separately.

For now, we are all headed in the right direction.


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