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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

More contacts, still getting things set up, nice weather

I have gone from little to no activity in my internet business over the past few weeks to having eight sales meetings on the calendar for this week. Likewise, I have gone from no interest on the part of any employer to having been asked to put in applications at two separate jobs the last two weeks. It is an interesting turn of events that can only be attributed to the Lord. It also puts me in one of those situations where I will carefully and prayerfully move forward with my heart tuned to the leading of the Lord. I have been praying for direction and an income, not necessarily for a full time job, but I will not turn down a good job should one be offered. I will also not turn down any contacts generated by the video I have set up to generate those sales meetings. Things may be looking up but it is too early to tell. There is at least a glimmer of hope and the evidence of divine leading.

I am still struggling to get my auto responder set up. I understand what is being asked of me but I have no idea where to go to get the task done. It has to do with inserting code into the Java script of a web page but I do not know how to find the script for a particular web page to get the code properly inserted. I am waiting for help now but I cannot move forward until I get the proper directions. I have a feeling it will be a very simple task once I understand the process. The providers of the service seem to think it is simple based on the instructions they have given to accomplish it, but you cannot know what you do not know; so I wait in more information. It is a small thing.

Mama had to go to work today. The assistant pastor who normally heads up the school is off to take time to visit with his parents who are here from Illinois. There is a lady who used to help in the school filling the administrative spot, but Mama is needed for backup. Having a second person in authority is a good rule to follow - especially in our day and age. So Mama went in today even though it was hard for her to leave the house this morning with Savanna wanting her attention. Don’t get me wrong, Mykenzie, Grant and Blake are still a draw to her but the baby trumps  everyone (me included) when it comes to grabbing her attention.

She, Savanna, finally rested after a week of being passed around from person to person at non-stop meetings for the conference. Nate and Cori put her to bed a little after 7 pm and she did not get up until nearly 8 a.m. this morning. We had said out goodbyes last night before going to our Bible class so Mama did not get a lot of Grammy time last night or this morning. That is one of the hardships of working a job. Although, I must admit it still feels weird that it is her going to work rather than me. But I am getting used to it - maybe a little too used to it.

It was such a pleasant evening yesterday that we ate dinner outside. In a strange turn of events the dogs were put inside the house so that we could eat on the patio; at least, that certainly seemed strange to them. I had made soup so there were some challenges to the picnic style meal but we all managed - and it was a pleasant time. 

Tonight, if nothing changes, we will have a small fire in the pit we have on the patio and roast hot dogs and marshmallows - while the dogs are made to stay inside.

If you did not see my link to Hope Coffee yesterday I am sharing it again.

It is worth checking out.


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