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Thursday, November 9, 2017

Finally cooler, dogs, getting away

In an unusual turn of events weather wise, it was cold and rainy all day yesterday. We needed the rain and the cold was not untimely but the combination of the two made for a real winter-like day. Even though we did not accumulate much rain, it was a pleasant day in my view of things. It is supposed to remain chilly but not as cold over the next ten days which will present a little of a problem for Victoria and Kobe; who is due to deliver sometime this weekend. Fortunately, the birthing center is well insulated and can be easily heated to help the pups stay warm. I will spend the evening reinforcing the floor so we can lay linoleum on the floor so Victoria will have an easier time cleaning up the necessary mess generated by the growing pups.

Mama and Victoria are talking about buying a Bassett Hound. One of the families at the school has a breeding pair and their puppies sell out in the first week of being advertised each time they have a litter. The price asked for the pups is not cheap; hence the thought of purchasing a female for breeding purposes. I am opposing the idea for three reasons. One, we have five dogs already; at least two more than what we need. Two, purchasing a pup comes with all the requisite training that is never my favorite thing to deal with. Three, it will be at least sixteen months until we can even think about breeding the female. Four months until the pups are born and six weeks from that until they can be sold. More than a year to see any return if all goes well. And an unspoken requirement that I hesitate to bring up; when a puppy is brought home, you have made a fifteen to twenty-year commitment to care for a dog that will, at best, give us ten litters before Mama feels sorry for her and retires her. Right now, we are on the farm with a large house with a really big back yard. Where we will be in five or ten years may not accommodate dog ownership as easily as our present situation does; should we be required to move. My goal is to lower our canine population over the next several years, not increase it.

Every time we need to be away from the farm we have to make arrangements for someone to look after our ten goats, our four head of cattle, our forty chickens (in three separate locations), our three rabbits, and our five dogs – which require the most care since three of them have to be let out of and be brought back into the house at least twice daily. It is a lot to ask. We always manage to get someone to cover for us, so we have not had to cancel travel for lack of help, but it is still a lot to ask. Part of the joys of ownership. It is not a complaint. It is simply a part of living the life we are now living.

Speaking of the farm, Mama and I are having to double up on getting some of the needed chores done before we leave tomorrow. Some of the running will be done today and some will have to get done in a hurry before I get home tomorrow. Mama is taking a couple hours off each day - today and tomorrow – to get feed purchased and to get the needed gifts purchased for the celebration at Brittany’s. I am crowding several chores into a long night to get them done to meet Victoria’s needs for this weekend. Victoria will stay behind this weekend because of Kobe. Even she is rearranging her schedule to get more time off through Sunday in anticipation of the delivery. I am predicting 6 or more pups. Time will tell.

What happens over Thanksgiving in still up for discussion.


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