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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Updates: Grandma and Mama, choosing right

Mama and Grandma were at the emergency room for a couple hours yesterday morning, but since the attending physician determined that there were no broken bones in Grandma’s ankle, she was sent home with the ankle wrapped. They wanted to prescribe some pain medications but Grandma has her own prescription because of the ongoing pain she has with her knees and back. It will still be a long recovery for her. The sprain will not heal quickly, and Grandma will not be able to get about other than in a wheel chair. It will be difficult for her and Grandpa for a few weeks, but they have gotten through far worse. The worst part for Grandma is that she will not be able to get out of the hose on her own for several weeks -and she is used to running all over town at the slightest excuse.

Mama’s update is a bit less encouraging. Last night as I worked with her, bending her left knee, I would guess she was not even at 85°. That is very disappointing. I am not sure what is happening, but the quad is so tight that any more bend is very painful. As tolerant as Mama is of pain, she does not seem to tolerate that pain very well. I spent a few minutes massaging the muscle and found the stiffness to be worst just above the knee. As I worked in that area, Mama was not happy with me, but I am hopeful that as we work the rigidity out of that area we will be able to get more of the bend back. I do not want to tear the muscle or the tendon by overextending the joint, but we have to be able to get the movement from somewhere in that attachment to the knee. At this point, I am not sure what to do, so we continue to work the joint as much as possible and pray. Understandably, Mama is discouraged. She goes to see the doctor next Wednesday. He will not be happy with the results either. Where we go from here, I cannot even guess.

Taking the bad with the good is often one of the markers of maturity in a person’s life. Right now, we are focused on the challenge of Mama’s difficult recovery, but there are good things happening. Whether or not Mama regains her full range of motion, she is able to walk. Her left knee will never suffer further degradation. It may not heal to the point we are expecting – although I am praying it will – but she will be able to use the leg without pain at some point in the near future. As disappointed as I am that things have not worked out as quickly as I was expecting in our personal businesses, I have job that pays our bills and allows us to give – at least part of what Mama and I want to give. We are healthy. We have a wonderful place to live. It needs some work, but it keeps us dry and comfortable regardless of the outside temperatures or weather conditions. We have an amazing church family. Incredible children and grandchildren. And so much more.

Everything we are discouraged by will soon be past. We will deal with the outcomes of those circumstances as we see them resolved, but we will not live as though those outcomes – whatever they may be – determine our state of emotional wellbeing. This course of life is only temporary. It is hard to leave a permanent mark on it, but we can enjoy the journey if we do not weigh ourselves down with those things that are subject to constant change. We cannot be an encouragement to others when we are discouraged – and being encouraging in so much more fun than being discouraging.

Matt. 6:33 says “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” “These things” refers to all of life’s continuing, ever changing needs. After the Lord taught on the necessities of life, food, shelter and clothing, He reminded us that “these things” are going to constantly be changing, but our Heavenly Father knows our needs before we even ask. He is already setting in place the circumstances of our next blessing as we weather each difficulty. Looking outward for a moment, our life does not seem so bad. Maybe we should count our blessings and look up.

We really are blessed.


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