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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Cancelled, completed, cleaning

Mama and I had just left the farm, headed to the hospital, when the doctor’s office called. They had just spoken to our insurance carrier and had found out that the request for coverage for the procedure Mama was scheduled to have had been denied. Since we did not want to pay for the procedure out of pocket, she canceled Mama’s surgery and we headed back home. There was a non-committed promise to work with the insurance carrier through the rest of yesterday and today to see if there was a way to get the procedure approved so it could be scheduled for Thursday; the last surgery day of the year for our doctor. We are praying for such a breakthrough. Although without God’s direct intervention, it seems impossible. Insurance companies are not in control of God – but they do exercise immense power over us in the health industry and our access to health care. If they hold us off through Thursday, we will have to pay our full deductible next year rather than capitalizing on the deductible we have met this year. It is not the end of the world, but it is pretty disheartening for Mama. She was looking forward to having her current problems with the knee replacement resolved. Sooner rather than later. To capitalize on what we have paid out this year and lessen our financial outlay for the procedure. We will see what happens, and we will continue to pray.

Since Mama’s surgery got cancelled, we went back home and had lunch together. I went back to work. I have been working 6 am to 5 pm for several days now to make up hours I was out sick. I appreciate the company’s willingness to allow me to do so, but it has put me home later than normal. At this time of year, it is just getting dark as I get home. Anyway, I stopped at Lowe’s on my way home and picked up a receptacle for the stove. Fortunately, the cord was left in the truck so I was able to match it to the receptacle. Once home, I installed the plug, hooked up the cord to the stove, installed the anti-tip device and set the range in place. It looks good; except for the areas I need to trim out. I think we will enjoy having it versus the cooktop. Mama was playing with the burner controllers – since two of the burners offer a range of cooking areas as well as a Warming Area and a Melt setting – and exploring the over controls when Victoria got home. Yesterday morning, Victoria had not been able to fix her normal breakfast, so as soon as she could move Mama over, she fixed some eggs and tortillas for her dinner. Her routine should be back on track this morning.

Mama wore herself out cleaning yesterday afternoon. Part of the required cleanup was some residual mess Trace and I created when we were cutting the counter to accommodate the range. Most of the cleanup was routine. All houses get dirty. Our accumulation includes what is added by the three inside dogs. Dirt tracked in. Hair constantly being shed. Dander and dust in abundance. Installing the new windows had helped tremendously with the dust the settles on everything, but we still have to clean routinely. We just do not do so in a big way until we are expecting guests. The fact that the twins are coming tomorrow adds to Mama’s desire to have the floor and rugs thoroughly cleaned. To that end, I believe she told me Krystal and the boys are coming over this morning to help her get the rest of the cleaning done. It is matter of some urgency since we are anticipating her surgery to be rescheduled for tomorrow. Whether or not Mama has her surgery, it is destined to be a great weekend.

And Christmas will follow quickly.


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