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Wednesday, July 3, 2019

City slickers, travelers

Yesterday evening I could not get motivated. I spent some time in the kitchen getting fruit cut up for Mama. I spent some time getting bread cut up for the chickens. (Walter and Cathryn love throwing bread to the chickens.) I helped Mama figure out what to have for dinner and then get all that fixed, but I still was not interested in working outside just yet. But when it came time to feed, all of us gathered together and headed out the door. Mama and the kids went to the chickens. I headed the opposite direction to feed the boys. While I was at the new shelter, I did a quick inventory of the metal l had collected from various parts of the farm. It is almost enough to complete the roof. But before I could get started on that, I needed to help Mama get the evening feeding done.

When I went to the coop, where Mama was working on filling waterers, I was amused by Cathryn and Walter playing in the small puddle Mama had made at the yard hydrant. The kids had their gum boots, so they were bravely stepping the water. It was barely enough to show on their boots as they stepped one foot at a time into the puddle. But as they did, it got more and more muddy. Somehow that fascinated them. Keep in mind that the puddle was only an inch deep and not much bigger than a foot breadth, but Cathryn was holding up her shorts as tough they were wading into deep waters. As I watched, I slid my phone out just enough past the corner of the coop to capture the moment without them knowing. It was quite hilarious. Our little city slickers were getting dirty. What was more, they had permission to do so.

Twice Mama had rinsed the mud and dirt from the boots only to have the boots get dirty again as they stomped through the mud and dirt at the hydrant. When Cathryn tattled on Walter for getting his boots dirty once again, Mama replied, “It’s okay. We are on a farm. We get dirty.” “We can get dirty?” was Cathryn’s confused response. “Yes,” Mama reassured her. “Walter, we can get dirty! Grammy said so!” the enclosed video was captured right after that exchange. Walter was obviously more into getting dirty than his sister.

Once the feeding was done, I spent an hour working on the shelter while Mama and the kids played in the sprinkler. As cold as the water is that comes from our well, they have enjoyed playing in it none the less. Monday night Mama was spraying them with the hose. Last night we set up the sprinkler. I have no idea how this will progress through the week, but Mama will figure out something. After all, this is the only full week we have with the kids on the farm. Next week we will be driving to Lawton (Monday afternoon), going twice to DFW (Tuesday and Wednesday consecutively), and finally driving to Victoria (leaving Thursday). We will return from Victoria on Monday the 15th. Maggie and the kids will fly home Tuesday the 16th. Then Mama, Jake and I will head to Alvin, TX Thursday the 18th. I will teach a class in Alvin on the 19th and we will drive back home on the 20th. Jake fly’s home either the 23rd or the 24th. I am not sure which. By that time, July will be all but gone. Cathryn and Walter will be gone. Jake will be gone. Back to a quiet house.

Not dwelling on that. We are enjoying having Cathryn and Walter with us. I had to go home during lunch yesterday to gather some parts for a training module being written by one of our technical writers. When I got there, Mama had both kids at the table playing with Play-Doh. It was their first time to do so. They were having a ball. Mama has accumulated a treasure trove of gadgets that are made to shape and carve Play-Doh. That made the experience all the more fun. I have a feeling that activity will be repeated each day while they are with us at the farm. Mama is a gracious host to children. Careful and attentive for the most part. Plus, she likes to play with Play-Doh. The mess it generates is generally well contained.

During the normal routine of the day, Mama managed to get Sam and Mocha to the groomers and then back home. Sam is shorn for the summer. He is much more comfortable without the extra three to four inched of matted fur. He looks really good. The groomer did not shave him too closely. That is good because he will get sunburned. Mocha on the other hand looks pitiful without the hair giving her more rounded dimensions. It will grow back quickly, but for now, she does not look like the same dog.

She looks like a short-tailed Chihuahua with the wrong head. But Mama still loves her.


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