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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Napping, our little park, animal news

Brittany and Andrew were at the house yesterday afternoon when I got there. I walked in and found the two of them sleeping on the couch. Mama was in Bowie getting our electric bill straightened out and getting Rosie looked at by the vet. Grandma and Grandpa were in Bowie at a doctor’s appointment. It was kind of interesting to walk in and find the only persons in the house to be our napping visitors. They woke slowly after I got home. I was happy they were comfortable enough to really sleep – and that Lucy would be still enough to let them sleep.

Mama and Grandpa really went to work yesterday. Mama got the mower and did a close trim of the property – or at least six of the ten acres. The leaves had accumulated for several years beneath the oaks that occupy the property and getting them chewed up was needed to get the grass we want to grow some much needed light. Just getting the leaved chewed up opened up a lot better view of the property.

Grandpa got the weed eater and chainsaw and cleaned up the fence row on the front and one side. It looks like a park now. He cut down several small cedars that interfered with the view of the road at the front of the property near the driveway and really cleaned up the fence line there. Both Mama and Grandpa were a little surprised by the amount of grass that is growing in different areas. The next few weeks will give us our first look at the property in spring. Mama and her Bad Boy mower will be best buds again.

We have had several days of light rain followed by warmer days of sunshine. That is a perfect combination for the growth we are seeing. We are all anxious to see exactly what type of fruit trees we have in the garden area. Only two of the trees from the small orchard are still living. The others we had to cut down. They were long since dead. It is one of those best-guess moments that will be fully answered when we see the fruit they produce. My first guess is one pear and one peach. Time will tell.

We have decided where to put the fig tree but are waiting until the danger of frost is passed. The pecan Grandpa and Mama bought last week we will plant in a corner of the back yard where it will be largely undisturbed for the years to come. I had originally thought about putting it out front but we are parking in and around that area on occasion. So the back yard is a better option.

Daisy May should have her calf in the next few weeks. We are not sure exactly when she was bred but have an approximate guess which puts the calf due in early March. Grandpa and Mama are worried about our lone cow. Grandpa seems to think she if fretting over her solitude so they are planning on getting a companion for her – a yearling donkey.

Boy, am I excited.


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