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Monday, February 16, 2015

Visitation, gardening, Brittany and Andrew

This was a busy weekend but we got a lot done. Mama and I went to the church Saturday morning to meet with the bus visitation crew. Mama wanted to visit some of the little ones in her Sunday School class. That particular route took us to Bridgeport for the morning. After stopping at the nursing home to see a couple men there we went through the bus route and found most of the ones that either sit with Mama in the morning before Children’s Church or that are in her class. We were out until a little after noon. It was a little longer than we had intended to stay out but it was well worth it.

Once we got home we started work on the garden. Grandpa and Victoria had already set the posts and cut down a dead tree that was threatening the garden so most of the work was done when we showed up. We unrolled some fencing we had brought from the farm in Bowie and stretched it using the tractor bucket as the anchor for the fence stretcher. It turned out pretty nice. Grandpa had set up some gates using some of the temporary corral type panels we had there in Chico so the whole set up looks neat and well thought out.

We planted six short rows of potatoes and two short rows of onions. We have more seeds in hand but the weather was supposed to turn cold and rainy so we did not want to plant anything susceptible to frost. That turned out to be a good decision since the trees and cars were covered in ice this morning. We will have to see how Mama’s little flowerbed around one of the trees in the front yard survived the cold temperatures.

As we were finishing the planting and doing minor tightening on the fence I had Mama go and find the charcoal and lighter fluid so I could grill some meat for Sunday dinner – Brittany and Andrew were on their way over for a short visit. We were crowding pretty close to the time we needed to head to church for the Valentine’s Banquet so we needed to split up in order to get the grill started and still have time for me to get ready.

We had a good time at the banquet even though I got chosen to participate in a Bible Trivia contest that was set up like “Who wants to be a Millionaire?” I have never watched the show but the rules seemed simple enough. I did okay until the final question and even though I poled the crowd – no one knew the answer either – I got it wrong. I made a joke of it on Sunday morning by saying, in case you ever get asked this question, this is the correct answer; those who had been at the banquet got a laugh out of it.

We did not see Brittany and Andrew until Sunday morning but spent most of the day with them between services. They are going to Ft Worth this morning and will spend the afternoon and evening with Mama and Grandma. (Mama, Victoria and I have FBI this evening.) They will head home tomorrow but since they are only about two hours away we may get to see them a couple more times before they go overseas.

Until they move I can stop on my way through to say hi as I come home from my visits up north.


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