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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

More computer time, feed run, rearranging inside and out, more VBS

I have been assured that this will take less and less time as I get proficient but for the moment I am spending several hours per day working on this business. Honestly, I am seeing more and more produced in that time; a day by day improvement in both the quality and quantity of tangibles - copy written, ads submitted, clicks recorded. I am sure the fun will come soon. 

Mama enlisted Grandpa’s help today to make a feed run. We are going to Muenster for our feed - better quality, better price. The problem is that the last time we went we had to take the Sequoia, put the feed in back and drive home - about 45 minutes away. Mama could barely stand the smell for the ride home.

Windows were rolled down, the a/c was cranked up (it was 100 degrees outside) and it was still almost more than she could tolerate. In her present this time of month condition, it would have been far too much. Enter Grandpa. He drove his truck to make the run since ours is still in the shop. Mama was happy, even though the truck has no a/c. I was happy - I got to stay home and keep working. Even Grandpa was happy - he got to get out and actually do something. [Grandma keeps a pretty tight rein on him right now - since he’s still recovering.]

In the times I have spent off the computer today, I have been rearranging both inside and outside. We brought some chairs, rugs, and other items back from Chappell Hill and we are fitting them into the house as best we can. To accomplish that, some things have to be moved out - to the garage, to the well house and to Grandma and Grandpa’s.

I think we found a place for everything and it is beginning to look like we are getting rid of some things because the space being used in the garage for boxes and totes is actually shrinking. By no means are we there yet, but we are off to a good start in simplifying our home and thereby, our lives.

If you have not been here in a while you would have to look closely to see the changes, but for those of us who regularly dwell here, it is a noticeable, and much appreciated, difference. Tomorrow will be the test of our new setups. We will have the Echeveria kids for the day.

More VBS tonight. Cheyenne did not like the volume of the crowd last night. She spent most of her time on Mama’s lap as Mama guarded her from the cheek pinchers and gave her a running commentary on what was happening. When we arrived at the house to pick up the girls they had a friend who also got permission to go with us. That really excited the girls and Mama.

There were 109 children and 67 adults last night and it was noisy; just like VBS is supposed to be. Tonight should be even better.


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