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Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Little gains, little setbacks

Mama and I – mostly I – tested out the internet connection at the house last night. As it relates to our business, it will be adequate for us. If I can get Mama to learn the process for accessing the information via the internet, we should be able to invest considerably more time in our research. In just a few minutes last night, I was able to find a property that is worth a little further research. What I cannot seem to do is find an auction that is worth going to that I can coordinate with the vacation I have available. And it feels like time is running out. Oh, well. Patience is often its own reward and we have had to exercise that emotional muscle extensively over the past few months.

Our coaching session with Theresa was very informative. She has been a valuable asset to Mama and me in our research. Next Monday will be our last session with her but she admonished us to run our first deal by her, so she can look it over with us even if the paid sessions are completed. We have one more session with her because she set us a session on the day of Mama’s surgery. When we did not show up for that session, she ticked off that appointment as a “no show.” She forgot what was going on in our lives on that particular Monday – but she restored the hour to our account when we reminded her. We have managed to stretch the ten sessions out over five months, but in doing so, we have gotten to explore more options because we have had the time to become proficient in our research in several states through those extended pauses. Some of those who started the training when we did have told us that their entire ten week coaching focus was in only one area of one state. Theresa was more accommodating toward us. I think, in the long run, it will serve us well.

Mama has had several good nights of sleep lately. Me, not so much. I am not sure how it happened, but I caused some injury to my left shoulder while we were in Victoria. It may be because I slept on the floor that night, but we are not sure. I have a painful knot at the base of the deltoid in my left shoulder. It has caused some serious interruption to my nights since we got home. It does not seem to limit my activity, but it has certainly limited my range of motion in that shoulder. The pain is a deep, constant bone ache accompanied by the inability to get comfortable no matter what position I choose. This too shall pass, but not before we spend the weekend with Brittany, Andrew and the twins. At their house, I typically sleep on the floor because the bed is too soft for me. I’m not sure how that is going to work out.

Mama and I talked about getting the boy goats weathered (emasculating them) but when she called the vet the price was pretty high. It seems we have waited too long, and the surgery required is more extensive than we thought. If we could have done the procedure we would have been able to run them with the girl goats without the concern of them interbreeding, but alas, they will remain fully equipped as males and Mama and I will have to deal with the complications that brings. As is true in any negotiation or sale, price solves everything. We just have to accept the fact that they are not going to bring us much money when we sell them, but we cannot keep them. If Mama will allow, we could always eat them.

I love that part of running a farm.


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