Cori and Nate’s wedding anniversary was Wednesday. Today it
their second anniversary of relocating to Honduras. For their wedding
anniversary, the kids made them breakfast in bed – made to order - but the
special service did not stop there. That evening the kids set up Cori and Nate’s
bedroom to look like a restaurant, dressed up and served them at the table they
had prepared for that purpose. I did not get the menu for that meal, but it was
a pretty clever idea since they were not allowed by virtue of the quarantine to
go out to eat at a restaurant. What a special memory. I know that over the years
our children have done some special things for Mama and me. I only wish not
that I had memorialized those events in the same way.
After dark last night Mama and I moved the slightly older
chicks into the West side of the coop. As we fed earlier that evening, we closed
off that side to all the older chickens which displaced the twelve or so that
had regularly roosted on that side. Eventually, all those hens found a spot on the
East side of the coop to roost for the night. I am not sure how much consternation
it will cause when the hens that lay in the nesting boxes we have always had on
that side no longer have access to that side, but I am confident they will
eventually figure it out. We moved the nesting boxes from that side into the East
side for a total of eight on that side. All the hens will now have to find an opening
on the open side to volunteer their eggs. It will not take long to evaluate how
well that is working out. When we collect those eggs this evening, it will be
brutally obvious.
Once we got the older chicks into their side of the coop, we
got the ten younger chicks out of the Banty house and put them into the small
coop building. (Our repurposed Birthing Center.) Mama said they were very
excited this morning when she opened the little door that allows them access
the yard – a 10x10 kennel. Last week I placed wire along the bottom of that little
coop and opened that up to the chicks which almost doubles the yard space
available. Both sets of growing chicks needed more room, but Mama is
particularly fond of the younger set because they are very calm and very
friendly. For that reason, those chicks were placed by themselves in their private
coop area. I will need to buy or build nesting boxes for both areas now. Both
the new coop and the West side of the large coop. But there is no urgency. Those
sets of chicks are still weeks away from being ready to lay.
Mama has been agonizing about getting to the next level in
her company. She needed an additional person to sign up in her group. We have prayed
about it and have waited. Last night, late last night, she was responding to a
text from a person who is doing very well with a party she has going on and Mama
suggested she join Color Street as a stylist. The person she was texting with thought
that was a good idea as well. She signed up right away. Meanwhile, Mama
continues to do live presentations which allow her to show what she has in
inventory as well as stay connected to her friends and clients. It is fun to
watch the progression in her confidence. Mama is loving the income.
Though it is not a huge amount, It is enough to make a
difference to her.
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