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Thursday, May 7, 2020

Online class, creeping back towards normalcy – maybe, back at the farm

The class I taught yesterday online went very well. The participants were probably more engaged in the online presentation than they would have been in a face-to-face class. In this class, all the participants knew each other well. They were all in different locations in Lower Michigan, but they work together on an infrequent but routine basis so getting together online was a great time for the four of them to visit over the process of the class. As far as the performance of the software, I made a couple errors in getting the presentation set up and running, but those were quickly corrected and graciously accepted. I was able to move through the various separate parts of the presentation fairly seamlessly to get all the videos and documents displayed properly for the participants. It was a fun class overall. It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the future, but for now we are invested in this online process. That is all for the better. Offering an online process to requalify within our system has been long overdue. Most of our clients are very excited about the offering. Since the classes are small by design, we will more than likely offer this class several times per month through the remainder of the year while still offering the all-day on-site class as requested. I anticipate the 8-hour class to be offered online sooner rather than later. The revenue generated by presenting this class without travel is amazing.
As more and more businesses open here in Texas, things are starting to get back to a feeling of normal. The fact that there is no exit strategy for this box we have pinned ourselves into bothers me. It is probably as safe now to return to normal as it will be in any of the weeks to come but nobody knows how that will be determined and who will make the determination. Two issues are at stake: culpability and power. Those feeling the power brought them in this conflict are becoming addicted to it. So far, they have only been lightly challenged in the decisions they are making to keep us in line, but those challenges are mounting. After all, we do still have a Constitution – which is being horribly trampled in this crisis.
Those in positions of authority do not want to accept responsibility for declaring the need for separation and shutdown is over. They are cowardly waiting for someone else to go first. Thankfully, some governors are willing to trust their constituents to do the right thing and start living their lives freely – as we should. There are stirrings in the DOJ to sue states that have overreached in their efforts to impose their random decisions on the populous. At church, we will continue the social distancing restrictions for at least one more week. No way of knowing how long that will last or when we will decide to say, “Enough already.” At work we will continue to work from home at least one more week. No one is willing to say, “Let’s get back to work.” “Let’s get back to living our lives.”
Meanwhile, back at the farm. I got a smoker yesterday so that we can use it in dealing with the hives as we work them in the future. The smoker is a kettle looking device with a bellows on the side. Once it has a smoldering fire inside, I can use the bellows to gently blow smoke onto the bees in the hive. I am told that the smoke has a calming effect on the bees. I have seen it work, but the mechanism of action is only an assumption on the part of those who are teaching us. I have also read that the smoke covers the scent of the pheromones produced by the bees thus limiting a coordinated effort to defend the hive or attack me as I work the hive. I will get to try it out this afternoon as I install the syrup feeders I built for the hives. Mama is a bit concerned since I am still suffering the swelling and itching from the stings I got a week ago. That and the fact that we still only have  the less than stellar suits to work in is a bit concerning, but we have to tend to our apiary. So, I have to use what I have to do that work. Maybe the smoker will help.
Hopefully, I will not get stung this time.


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