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Friday, August 14, 2020

My flame thrower, pre-op, weekend

I got the idea yesterday that since the grass in the gravel area beside the garage had been effectively killed by the week killer I sprayed in it, I should be able to burn away the stubble to get the gravel to show. Years ago I had bought an attachment for a propane tank that essentially turns it into a flame thrower. So yesterday evening I set out in search of that attachment. I was stumped for a while but eventually found the pieces and reassembled it. Once I got it attached to the propane tank, I tried it out. It worked beyond my expectations. I still will need to scratch the charred grass to fully expose the gravel once again, but it will make my work easier in the future as I battle the grass that is far too willing to grow in the gravel. I do not remember using the device in the past, but it will help here at the farm. I made sure I had a charged hose nearby just to ensure the burning did not go too far past where I intended it. It was a success overall. I needed a small success.

I made it through the pre-op in fairly record time considering they registered me and collected a partial payment, drew blood, did a CODID test and took x-rays. Mama was a little disappointed to have very little time to shop, but she dealt with it graciously. I did not want to stay in Denton any longer than necessary. I had not asked for any time off and I did not want to presume upon the grace offered me by my employer to make these appointments. Next week, I have scheduled the time off – one day. If it takes more time than that, we will work that out as needed. So far, the hospital charged me $2050 for their part just to allow the test to be performed. That does not include any of the doctors that will take part in that event next week. I had to wear a mask the entire time I was at the hospital, but I kept it below my nose until I was asked by the radiology tech to put it over my nose. I complied but I took off my glasses when I did comply. That was the only time anyone said anything.

I was asked if I was Dr. timothy Kline by the two nurses taking my blood and doing the initial testing for pre-op. They were worried especially after the nurse taking my blood missed the vein in my right arm. When I told them I had been a phlebotomist (the person who takes blood samples) they were really worried I was the doctor in question. I assured them I was not and that I was not offended by her missing on the first attempt. But I thought it was a funny situation.

This weekend will have some activity added that we are not normally engaged in, mostly in the delivery of the goats Saturday afternoon. Making that meeting will take a good chunk out of the day tomorrow. I have nothing else planned but I would like to make some progress on the shelf/frame I started for Mama and Victoria’s coffee bar. With the required applications of varnish needed, it will not be finished tomorrow, but if I can make any progress on that project, it would help. The temperature is forecast to be 105° or more. 107° is the forecast for today but we are not seeing that rise in temperature so far. It is hot, but not as hot as forecasters have predicted. It is also dry. We have a slight chance of rain Sunday and Monday, but it is only a small amount. Any will be appreciated, but we are not setting our expectations high.

If time and energy allow, I am looking at getting some rock and gravel from the quarry. I also need to move some more of the concrete pieces we have at the back of the property into the paddocks so the goats can play on them, but that may have to wait until I have help. Actually, both of those tasks may be more than I can handle right now – especially in this heat.

I do plan on going to church Sunday. At least Sunday morning. That remains to be seen. I will not be able to lead the singing, but I would sure like to be there. If I feel as well as I did this morning, it will be possible. I just do not feel that well for very long. My strength ebbs away quickly as soon as I start moving about and if Saturday wears me out, Sunday will be questionable.

Time will tell.


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