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Monday, November 12, 2018

Veteran’s Day, a leak, a saint, a baby

To all veterans and active military, first responders and law enforcement; Thank you for your service. Our world would not be the same without your service to us and your sacrifice for us.

I got the privilege of working on a waterline leak for most of the day Saturday. I noticed the leak on Thursday evening as I was feeding the cattle. So, I turned off the water to that hydrant (at the garden) which shut off the water to the chicken coop. That made it a challenge to get water to the chickens through the end of the week, but I could not allow the leak to continue. Mostly because it causes the well to run too much but also to contain the mess I would have to deal with when I started the repairs. It was cool Saturday so in most ways it was pleasant to be outside working. The digging, the bending the straining to separate the line and the straining to put new fittings in the line all took their toll on my back. The problem is that I have fixed this particular leak twice before. With that in mind, I went to the hardware store and bought the fittings to make a metal tee to replace the failed plastic tee. That required cutting the line to accommodate the new, larger tee.

During an afternoon break to attend a funeral, I bought upgraded band clamps to fit the line to the new fitting. All that effort and I was not able to fix the leak. What I realized too late in the day was that the plastic line was cold enough to stiffen it to the point that I could not tighten the clamps enough to compress it to the fitting – which allowed it to continue leaking. I ended up covering the exposed line with feed sacks and metal sheeting yesterday afternoon in the hope of keeping it from freezing during the next couple night when the forecast temperature it 25°F. For us at this time of year, that is very cold. I am not sure if the line will survive the cold without bursting, but on the good side, it is not filled with water – because it is leaking. That leak may actually save me from having to replace the exposed line. We will see Thursday or Friday how things fared. For now, I must wait until the temperatures rise to try again.

Saturday afternoon Mama and I went to a funeral for a saint from our church that passed away last Thursday. She was the mother of our pastor’s wife. Our pastor’s mother-in-law. She was a dear, dear person. She taught the 4 year-old Sunday School class until she was no longer able to do so; giving up her class at the age or 83. She continued to go soul winning and bus calling until the age or 88 and when she could not get about well enough to continue that, she started visiting in the nursing homes in our area. She continued that until she was 92. She died at the age of 95. She was always faithful to church; missing only when she was unable due to health issues. She was a joy to all who knew her. She finished her course in that joy and even out last memories of her will be fond ones. The church was full for the funeral. We could truly rejoice knowing a saint had gone home. She was one of those people who evidenced what a pleasure it is to live a life devoted to the Lord. She will be missed.

Last week also a baby was born to the daughter of one of the members of our church. That birth was a premature birth and the baby had some complications at birth. The mother and baby are still in the hospital as the doctors del with helping the child overcome those complications. Our pastor asked yesterday morning that all who would gather at the altar for a special time of prayer for the baby. He asked me to lead that prayer and I was happy to do so. Having just gone through the loss of Becky’s child, the anguish of such a moment is still fresh in my heart. Last night the pastor announced that the baby had taken a turn for the better. The doctors ware amazed at the sudden improvement. We, as a congregation, were amazed also. It is always wonderful when God answers prayer. It is wonderful to simple to know that he hears our prayers. We will continue to life the baby up in prayer, but for now the child appears to be on the road to recovery.

Whether He had healed or not, we need to realize we serve a great God.


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