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Friday, February 25, 2011

Jail breaking, Things are a little scary, Oh, well

Chase was busy last night unlocking and ”jail-breaking” my iPhone so he could advertize it on EBay. It is just a little bit fun to see him experience computer challenges. He only groaned about three or four times in the three hours it took him to get the process to work. I am not sure if he was able to fully accomplish the goal he set out to accomplish but he gave it a good effort last night.

He will be off from school today and he and his sister’s are talking about putting in more job applications. I am expecting him and Mama to order their phones today so the process can begin to move to a new carrier.

On the way to work this morning I noticed the gas prices had gone up almost twenty cents overnight. That’s staggering. It will hurt me and Mama but it will cripple Grandma and Grandpa. They have very little money for groceries – which we supplement. They have no money for gas. My expectations are that it is going to get much higher. With the entire Middle East and much of the Far East in conflict it is difficult to say how bad it may get, but it is almost certain that the higher price of oil will begin to weigh heavily on our economy.

For those who have money, it will be a bonanza; just like it was several years ago when housing prices tumbled as the economy tanked. For those who are over obligated in their finances it could be a breaking point…again. Mama and I survived the last big downturn but we did it by taking a terrible loss on our house and adopting some pretty austere spending measures. We are better positioned to absorb the impact of another economic downturn, but we are nowhere near ready for anything economically severe.

God is still in control.

In light of the economic woes of the world today it seems antithetical to bring this up, but Mama is always ready to spend money. We have been looking at property that would allow us to set up a mini-farm. We have been looking everywhere but here, which I thought was unfair considering we do not know what the next months will bring. So, Mama found two pieces of property to look at here in Amarillo.

I am going to take off Monday and find someone to do our 2010 taxes. In conjunction with that, Mama is going to set up an appointment with a local realtor to look at the two properties. She and Grandpa are very excited; me, not so much. I keep trying to find way not to spend money but I seem to be an army of one on that battlefield.

I am praying my boss gives me a truck so I do not have to pay for the gas to commute from Amarillo to Borger with the prices going up as they are.

God knows.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Planting and planning

Mama and I finally planted our blueberry plants yesterday evening after I got home. Victoria was making dinner and it seemed a waste to let them sit in their shipping packages any longer. I expect we will get a couple more plants this weekend. Mama wants to plant some blackberry and black raspberry in the same way we did the blueberries and I don’t see that being a problem unless we do not move from Amarillo this year. Then blackberry plants could be problematic to care for over the winter.

In my CPR training the other day the instructor said something I would like to pass on. He said he has never been one to strongly resist change. Many changes we are required to adopt are actually beneficial in the long run and those that are not are rarely harmful, only uncomfortable. He said, ‘Healthy things grow and growing things change. If you are not changing – hopefully for the better – then you are not growing. If you are not growing you might not be too healthy either.”

On one of the programs we were watching yesterday before church, a guest financial expert suggested that a person should have at least six months of cash (equal to your expenses over those six months) set aside for the coming economic unrest. Mama asked me if we did. I happily assured her that I had about six days worth of cash set aside but not quite enough for six months of expenses. She asked me how much that would be and when I told her she almost fell over.

I am not sure with the demands on my income and the demands of those who count on my income if I could ever set aside that much cash without it causing a family feud. I keep my savings accounts guarded from all but Mama because there is always a “need” for all the money I am willing to spend. In almost thirty years of supporting two or more families it is amazing how that need continues to grow – closely matching my income at any point in time.

Mama is talking about stockpiling food and I suppose it is a good idea but the thought of buying cases of corn, green beans and fruit cocktail does not appeal to me. The thought of six months worth of dehydrated food sitting in the garage is even less appealing. As we begin to pray and prepare I know the Lord will give us wisdom as I seek to follow Him.

In my obedience He promised to take care of us. I trust Him.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

More phone news, missing NJ?

The iPhone is dead. Long live Maggie’s old clunker phone. Actually, before the kids bought me the iPhone, I was carrying the phone Mama has had for the past year or more. It is the red color version of the same phone that Maggie just upgraded from. Her phone (mine now) is green. I have to admit that Maggie’s is in better shape than Mama’s so it should do for a while; at least until we decide what to do.

I miss the convenience of the iPhone but we lived without it for a long time and I think it was time to give it up. I calculated that I have spent somewhere in the neighborhood of $1000 on the data plan over the last two years. I’m pretty sure I did not get that much worth out of it, but there are many who would argue against that.

As we were in the AT&T store last night to get this taken care of I overheard a salesman “recommending” the iPhone to a customer because it was only $50. This guy did not need an iPhone but it sounded like a good deal to him – until the salesman recommended the most expensive data plan, the largest volume of minutes and unlimited text. After the $150 rebate ($265 up front) his bill would only be about $150 per month.

The poor confuse man looked at the salesman and asked, “Can’t I just get a phone?” “Sure. But this can help you multitask, internet, phone, e-mail, IM, Facebook, the works.” Listen,” the customer explained, “My idea of multitasking was listening to the radio while I was driving here. Can’t I just get a phone?” I did not hear the end of the discussion, but I hope he left with what he wanted rather than a $3600 contract (two years at $150/month).

Mama and Chase are still debating what to do; stay with AT&T, go to Sprint, or Virgin Mobile or some other carrier. The choice of phones, plans and providers is a little overwhelming – especially interpreting the fine print. Chase still hopes for a data plan with whatever he gets. I am not sure I want to give him that option since he is somewhat disconnected from us anyway – it’s that age. He has promised numerous times to pay for his phone when he gets a job. I told him, with that line of reasoning, he needs to work in the Congress.

Chase and Mama are both missing New Jersey pretty badly. I will not speculate as to what Chase misses, it would only embarrass him. Mama misses the children we constantly had around us. But I think what she misses more are the nine-year old relationships, our friend and our routines. I miss the music program at our church there. It is sadly lacking in our church here. I do not miss the job I had there.

It is a pleasure to be off of shift work.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Training, planning, dreaming

I have back to back training this morning. I go from a half hour training with my boss to a four hour training with a small group in CPR and First Aid. Wrapped up in the middle of that training is a conference call that I had agreed to participate in. Not every morning is this busy, but it is not unusual. In the first four months of this year I am scheduled for eight different classroom training exercises; everything from CPR to safety to Excel. But it will accomplish my goals for the year pretty quickly.

I’m hoping my boss is up to beginning our twelve week training. It has been on hold for the past six weeks due to lack of training materials, scheduling problems and weather. The sooner we begin, the sooner we can get this done, but we are not off to a very good start; maybe the finish will make up for it.

Mama and I have been praying for Cori and Nate in the decision they are making about whether to stay where they are or move. I remember the same decision being made in our home many years ago. We were sure the Lord was pleased with our desire to live in West Virginia. We had a good church there and family. So we went. We ended up moving back to Texas for a few years because my timing was off but we eventually got it right and lived there on our farm for a decade before we came back to Texas.

I have learned since then that God is in no hurry. More times than not He has us wait on Him and that is as it should be because we are, more often than not, less prepared than we think we are. For the last several moves, I have been ready several years ahead of the move and have had to spend many hours in prayer to keep my heart and mind focused on the task at hand while we waited.

God never expects us to leave undone what He has us doing while He prepares the next assignment. In my life, I have not always been sure if the move I was planning was God’s desire for our lives or mine so after our false start in West Virginia I have tried to be very careful. As our family grew, my mistakes affected more and more persons. So I understand the concerns Nate and Cori have. Being faithful where we are (prayerfully patient) while we seek God’s direction (obedient in service) always brings its own reward.

It never hurts to dream, but a good plan will always take you further than the sweetest dream. I have watched as near family dreamed big dreams yet made no attempt to bring them into fruition. Later they felt wounded by disappointment, discouraged that nothing had happened.

I love to hear Mama’s dreams. I love even more to make them come true. Fortunately, most of her dreams have been small and immediate. The dream of having a farm again, that will take some serious planning because it is bigger than both of our abilities to make it happen.

It is not, however, bigger than God.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Downgrading, military service, starting small

It has proved more difficult than I had thought to downgrade my cell phone contract. I may have found the right phone, but instead of signing a two year contract, Chase has talked me into getting a used or cheap phone and maintaining the current contract without the data plan. Putting that idea into action has been the difficult part. It is hard to get anyone to help with that idea.

I would like to get the Rugby or similar phone, but I am hesitant to purchase it off E-bay. I do not want to spend the extra cash to buy a Go Phone in the interim, but it may be the only way – other that using Maggie’s discarded phone for a few weeks while we pull this all together.

I still have my company phone. I am not thrilled with the Blackberry, but it is hard to beat free. Why do I bother to keep the AT&T contract at all? Because it would cost Victoria and Brittany a fortune if they are not under my contract with their AT&T accounts. Not necessarily a good way to go about this but for the next two years I am stuck.

Andrew Kim spent the weekend with us. He flies out this morning and Brittany will head back to Hot Springs shortly after seeing him off. He is in the Air Force Academy and is doing very well. I think he had a little more than two years left. He and Brittany are interested in each other so we will see how that works out in the months to come. There is no hurry since both of them have at least two more years to complete a degree.

The fact that I have two daughters interested in military recruits is interesting. As Maggie learns how to conform to the demands on Aaron’s life, she and Brittany may find a lot of common ground in their romantic relationships. Maggie is only beginning to understand the trials of working as a third part with the military as she and Aaron attempt to set a date for their wedding. I have a feeling that it will all come together pretty fast once they reach that agreement.

As I reinforced with Maggie, in Andrew’s presence, the fact that she would have to find out where she is allowed to fit into Aaron’s life, Brittany got to hear the entire discussion. Andrew verified to both girls that I was pretty close in my assessment. I do not bring it up to discourage them but to make them aware that, at least for the time of their service, these young men will be more answerable to the military than to their spouse.

Mama and I bought two blueberry plants the other day. It is a start to the blueberry patch we want to have on the farm. Granted, it is a small start, but it is a start. Besides, both of us like to grow things and plants that produce a product or provide a service are always welcome whether on a patio or in the field.

It’s the little things that keep a dream alive.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Road hazards, company celebration, paring back

I took the camera with me this morning to see if I could get a picture of a windmill with the moon behind it. The moon has been low on the horizon and extremely bright for the past few mornings. I did stop to try one picture but without a tripod I do not think it will turn out very well. I got a picture of a train on the horizon with the moon in the background. I think it turned out a little better.

As I was driving out of Panhandle, TX this morning I hit a pretty big skunk. There was no way to avoid it. Believe me, I wish I could have but my headlights caught him when he was so close that I would have wrecked the car to try and swerve around him. I felt bad most of the way to work. Everyone else will feel bad for most of the week – maybe longer.

I am going to wash the car this morning as soon as I get the chance, but since I ran over him with the driver’s side tires, I am not sure how much good it will do. I have heard that tomato juice can remove the odor, but I don’t think there is a tomato juice nozzle at the carwash. This is Texas, so you never know. The really bad part is that Grandpa wanted to work on Victoria’s car this coming week.

Today is a celebration at work. The company will announce the bonus we are receiving for 2010. It is never a large amount of money, but it is a big deal for management. Most of the money will go to Maggie and Aaron for their wedding – perfect timing. The rest, after the tithe, will go to pay taxes I will owe due to the move. There will be a big announcement and a ton of cookies and cupcakes to mark the moment. “How Sweet it is to be in the Lower 48” is the theme. The Lower 48 is the business unit I am in now and it is very different from working the refinery; pleasantly different.

I told Mama and the kids last night that I will be giving up my iPhone. There are a number of reasons but the main one is that we cannot maintain the current lifestyle and realistically approach the idea of buying a farm. Many things will have to go. I explained that whatever is not a necessity will have to be sacrificed to make the dream come true. Cell phone contracts may actually be a necessity in our society today, but a $50/month data plan is not.

The YMCA membership will have to go as will any plans to upgrade the vehicles. We talked about Direct TV but I met some pretty strong resistance there; it turns out that may be a necessity also. The internet, because of my business needs, will have to stay on our bills list also.

But just as what is happening in our nation today, cutting spending alone will not make up the difference. I have to aggressively pay off all outstanding debts, maintain payments on necessities, pare back to a minimum on all service contracts I am now obligated to, and avoid any contractual obligations on future earnings: no new loans or contracts. That’s a hard path to walk in our society today.

There is no looming multi-level marketing business success I am praying will stem the flood. There is no excessive raise expected in my salary. I will not ask Mama to get a job. What is coming in will not change. We must simply fill the hole we have dug with the dirt we dug from it. There is a consolation. Every time I have dug a hole and used the dirt I have removed from the hole to refill it, there was always too much dirt to go back in and it left a little heap over what was once a hole in the ground.

Maybe it will end up that way in our finance too.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Seth is working, Chase is wanting

Seth really worked yesterday. We sent Chase over to check on him about 6 p.m. and he was told that Seth would be there until at least 9 p.m. Chase told us Seth was back on the grill cooking up a storm. I can only imagine it to be a sharp learning curve for him – but he has a job. I am just not sure I would have wanted the first burger he cooked. God bless the person who actually got it!

Chase is chomping at the bit to get a job. He is hoping to hear today from one or more of the places where he put in applications. Since he has no school tomorrow, he is anxious to use the day to hunt for more prospects. I do wish him well, but I know it will be a hardship on Mama since she has to do all the running to make it happen before the job comes and afterward.

After blizzard conditions last week the temperatures are now over eighty degrees. This morning the temperature was 55F. I could have left the plants out on the patio overnight but with the extremes of the area I was afraid to trust the predictions of the National Weather Service – even though their local office is here at the Amarillo airport.

I have stirred up quite a bit of anxiousness here at work by asking for permissions people are afraid to grant to me. I have been commissioned to take on the task of reorganizing the files on the main server for the group here in Borger. The IT group is thrilled that someone is going to look into the mess. People who have all their work files (their life’s work) on that server are less enthusiastic.

I will have to notify the entire group to begin wearing their steel toed shoes to work because to get this done I will have to step on quite a few toes. It is like being commissioned to go into someone’s garage, attic, workshop, and storage shed and choosing what they are allowed to keep, how much they are allowed to keep, where it will be stored and how it will be stored.

Most of us are comfortable with the mess we have made. We know where to find what we are looking for regardless of how it looks both in the physical world as well as in the electronic world. And for those who are less comfortable in the electronic world it is a scary thought that something they need access to will now be moved to suit someone else’s expectations.

The funny part of all of this is that I am among the least qualified to tackle this assignment but by right of the office I occupy, the task falls in my lap. I can only imagine that there will be plenty of oversight and countless suggestions to sort through. The good part of this is, since all of the material is in electronic format, what is done can easily be undone as long as I am careful, but someone has to start the process and I have been chosen.

This assignment ought to be fun.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Seth’s first day, Chase is on the hunt, Still dreaming

Seth had to go to work yesterday afternoon after his time in the study program he is doing for the GED. It turned out that he was given four tests to complete and he was able to do only one on his own before his supervisor sent him home to complete the rest. He is positive about the job. He will be working the grill and at a minimum he will learn how to cook.

Right now peanut butter and jelly is his staple when someone else is not cooking something for him. To this point he has been pretty sheltered. He is very familiar with the use of lawn equipment, but he has never learned to fry an egg or fix a grilled cheese sandwich. He is not even versed on fixing food in the microwave oven. I get the impression that he is looking forward to expanding his horizons. There is only so much a person can do with peanut butter and jelly.

Chase is on the hunt for a job and he has been pretty aggressive – for Chase. He told me he called several hotels and several fast food places and turned in applications at every place that was accepting them. He has talked to some of the teens in our church who are working, seeking advice and recommendations for work. He called a What-a-Burger yesterday and asked if his application had been reviewed and the person he talked to said they review two applications every Wednesday. His, he was told, would be put on the top since he had called. He was pretty excited. I hope they are willing to keep their word to him.

Shopping has begun in earnest for the farm. Thankfully, nothing is being bought, but the prices that are being thrown around are making me feel worse than I do already. When prices of $300,000 for land and $18,000 (which I am assured is a great price) for used equipment are being thrown around while I am struggling to build a savings account and pay off all our debts, I am not feeling the excitement personally. But far be it from me to throw a wet blanket on the fire.

I do believe we will be there soon. I have no idea how we will be enabled to do it, but I see the need. I see the burning desire in my family and I am beginning to sense that God has aimed us all in this direction. I have felt the desire to go back to the farm for a long time, but now that everyone around me is on fire with the idea, I find myself less excited about the whole matter.

Somewhere the disconnect between dreams and reality must be faced. I hope the dream will grow in the crucible of reality but when we are choosing between buying gas for the car and groceries for the home, the realization of the dream seems far away. When plans made over days take years to bring to fruition it takes a steady hand to steer the course to the destination.

I am not sure I am that steady. Thank God, Christ is our pilot.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Making lists, Single Awareness Day

Mama showed me the list that is being made for the farm we are beginning to talk about. It was quite extensive. Victoria was the primary author, or scribe, with input from several sources including Mama, Grandma and Grandpa. It covered the farm, the houses, barns, outbuildings, coops and all related animals, the garden and all its desired plantings, an orchard and vineyard, the use of the pastures and fields, etc.

If anyone is ever able to afford such a place it will be very impressive. I am not sure if it will be very productive, but it would be fun to try. The whole exercise is to get a place in working order that could feed and support us if things get really bad in our country; in the world. We are not looking for the end times, only a stop gap solution in case things do get bad economically.

We never were able to make a go of the farm we lived on in West Virginia because it was never set up to produce enough for three families. It did produce some and we thoroughly enjoyed everything it gave back to us, but in large part it was a big money pit; more of a gentleman’s hobby than a money maker. I am fearful the path we are taking will take us in the same direction. At the very least, we can have some fresh potatoes and some uncontaminated meats and eggs.

Chase has officially renamed Valentine’s Day as Single Awareness Day. I personally think it was devised to sell flowers and gifts in the months after Christmas when the blues of repaying the credit cards overcharged during Christmas have begun to settle in. Sadly, I was not able to get Mama anything for Valentine’s Day; at least not on the day that it is celebrated. (We paid cash for everything and we ran out of any surplus in late January.)

We will be going out to a Valentine’s dinner with the church and I am way ahead on the flower purchases. As for candy, nothing beats Grandpa’s fudge and we have had more than enough of that. She did get me a card which I have not seen yet so I think if I am able to stop on the way home today, I might be able to exchange cards with her at least. Anyone who knows us is very certain that she is my Valentine.

Seth interviewed yesterday at Sonic – which is right outside our backdoor – and he got the job. He goes in today for an orientation and they will be starting him on the grill. To say he is nervous is an extreme understatement. He said that this is way outside his comfort zone. He said he barely slept Sunday night. In fact, it was funny to hear everyone of the kids complain about not getting good sleep Sunday night.

Seth was worried about his interview Monday morning. Chase was worried about all the paces he will be taking getting to the school Monday morning – and they did. Maggie was worried about some guy named Aaron being away from her on Valentine’s Day. Victoria was just worried for some reason she could not explain and Mama was worried about me. I was sleeping like a baby. I was too tired to worry. It was all kind of funny because the first song we sang Sunday morning was “Count your Blessings”.

I guess none of us paid attention.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Looking at land, Feeling poorly

Mama and I did get a chance to look at one property. It was eleven acres with a very large, recently built house. It was in Decatur but had a definite country feel. It is not what I am looking for and the price tag was far above what I am willing to consider. Sticker is $289,000. Taxes are $6,000 per year. In New Jersey such things are unavoidable. It Texas, I am not willing to go there. Mama was thrilled about the house; me, not so much.

I am interested more in land than a home. If we are to consider the ability to provide a refuge in difficult times to our children and extended family, buying such a home as I listed above is not the route to take. I am not even sure there is the ability on that property to raise and “farm” animals. I think the allowances are more geared to cattle and horses and not so much to chickens, hogs or any such smaller animals we might be interested in.

There is a general level of excitement about having land again. Mama has not been in favor of the idea for a lot of years – all the years we were living in New Jersey and most of the time we were in Victoria, TX. That attitude has shifted enough that the idea now appeals to her. The thought of raising animals and having something for all of our grandkids (however many there end up being) to visit and enjoy may be the driving force but it is hard to say.

Sunday I was not feeling well. Today is not much better. It is nothing serious, just a general malaise. I went to church for both services since I knew I was planning on going to work today. I have always thought it inappropriate to miss church when not feeling well then go to work on Monday. It seemed to evidence a lack of character. I fall short in enough ways. I do not need to add that to it. To compensate I slept all afternoon. I even skipped lunch to give as much sleep time as possible.

Besides I made promises to people that can only be kept from my office. I am allowed to work remotely and am fully equipped to do so, but I am able to get a lot more done when I am in the office and since my contact with people is limited, I should not be a health hazard to my co-workers. I can honestly say that I would rather have stayed in bed this morning as opposed to crawling out of it at 4:20 a.m.

Solomon warned that “a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep” (Prov. 6:10) would bring poverty to a home. I am a little worried by the thought since this month seems a little more impoverished that many in the past.

Hopefully, we are slowly winning that battle.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Mama’s little break

Mama and I have been in Decatur the past three nights. We will be going back to Amarillo this afternoon. My training is completed and the work I have to do in the Decatur office is nearly complete. It has been a good break for Mama.

While our children have been snowed in in Amarillo we have been able to go shopping and out to eat every night. We have not bought much, but we have been able to go to Kroger’s for some very urgent food needs; apple butter and fig cookies. The Kroger brand is the only acceptable brand in either our home or Grandma’s. We get by on most other staple supplies, but we have never skimped on those items.

Mama got together with a realtor in the area here to begin investigating homes with property. I am personally interested in property only, but Mama has the idea of moving – if that moment comes – into a ready house so our things do not have to sit in storage. It looks like that is where all the losses and damages occurred during the last move.

We may have time to look at a house today but I don’t know for sure. I have left that up to Mama. She has the car today as she did yesterday, but I am not sure how far she is willing to venture since I am due to be picked up in less than an hour. It is pretty amazing that the five hour drive home does not feel long. For some reason it feels easy here. We are looking forward to seeing the snow we missed while we were here.

We are scheduled to have dinner with our Pastor and his wife along with two or three other couples. Mama is a little worried about the dessert we promised to supply. Grandma stepped in and is baking an apple pie we can take, but Sam’s may have to provide the rest since we need enough for ten to twelve people. Mama keeps a tight schedule.

Cori told Mama yesterday that she was feeding Blake in one room of their house while Nate was telling an impromptu story to Mykenzie and Grant before they were put to bed. The story involved JJ and somebody and a pregnant puppy. Cori said as the story progresses and the dog had to be given a name, Nate told the kids the dog’s name was Rex.

As soon as Nate heard her laughing about the name, it was quickly changed to Lady. It is amazing how many times us men will get that wrong.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

On the road again, Setting goals

Mama and I will be leaving for Decatur early in the afternoon today. I think we are going to be ahead of the coming winter storm but we will see. It is supposed to be bad overnight in Amarillo with three to five inches of snow by tomorrow morning. In Decatur we are supposed to have some freezing rain and some icy patches but the brunt of the storm should be to the north of us. Again, we will see.

I have two days of training during which Mama will shop and look around the area. We hope to go to church on Wednesday night at a church recommended by our pastor. The church is in Fort Worth, about thirty minutes away, so it will depend on the weather. At the very least it will give me and Mama some time alone.

As we were talking about the church in Fort Worth Mama remembered a missions letter that was read several weeks ago in which a church planting missionary stated that he was going to plant a church in Denton, TX. Mama and I were thinking that it might be nice to be a part of a church planting activity. We helped start a church in New Jersey, but we continued as a part of the planting, sponsoring church. It was difficult on both churches, but now both churches are going strong.

I know Cori has been desperate for some time alone with her husband, but they have not been able to work that out. We are praying about that situation. We are all wondering how to pray specifically about it, but I feel that as we continue to pray, God will fill in the specifics.

All are well in our home in Amarillo. No telling how long that will last, but we will enjoy it for now. People around us are slowly getting interested in herbs and home remedies especially with some of the lingering illnesses they have been experiencing. I know it is something that will become a huge part of our culture again as times get rough, but I do see the interest growing. I am desperate to get more training, to get more answers and I have a plan to do so – if it works out.

I will join Mama later this morning at the Preacher’s Conference at our church. I made the decision to do so on the way in this morning so it will be a surprise for her. With this morning in the office and the travel later today, I will more than get my hours in. I do not ever want my boss to wonder if I am being honest about my time so I always put in more hours than required; sort of paying things forward.

Right now I am studying a lot of information on setting goals. It is the time of year that each of us has to present our goals for the year to our bosses and I have never been diligent about the process. Now I am a boss and I have employees that I will have to recommend for recognition and raises late in the year so I want to know how to produce good results for them; results that make them stand above their peers.

I have learned a lot, not only those things that will make me excel in the business world, but practical ideas that are applicable in everyday life – learning how to excel in a way in which everyone wins.

I have never been competitive, but I have always had a great interest in helping others. Now I get to - in a business sense.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Super Bowl Night, Travel plans

Last night after church, the kids rushed home to start getting the dips, crackers and chips set up while Mama and I went to get the pizzas. It turned out that we needn’t have hurried because it was almost an hour before everyone was at the house. We got out of church about 8:20 p.m. and we did not start the replay of the game until about 9:20 p.m.

We had a great time. The room was quickly divided into men’s and women’s sections, and then further divided into Steelers versus Packers fans. There were only two rooting for the Steelers and they were ganged up on pretty heavily. Even thought we raced through the commercials and the half-time events, it was not over until midnight. So I am working on less sleep today than normal – even for a Monday morning.

The principal of our school, who is a Steelers fan promised to cancel school today if the Steelers won and it was looking hopeful late in the game. But in the end, it turned out that Chase will have to get up today and attend classes as normal today.

The women left about half way through the game to do their visiting at another home so the noise level dimmed a bit, but not much. The assistant pastor and the school principal were able to keep the rivalry at a level that would have had us fined by OSHA if it were an on the job exposure to the noise. I finally had Chase lower the volume on the surround sound to see if we could save everyone’s voices from further strain. It helped a little.

We ate twelve pounds of wings, five large pizzas, a box of crackers, three large bags of Doritos’s, a couple pounds of tortilla chips and several pounds of dips. For dessert we had O’Henry bars and fudge – chocolate and peanut butter. Not the healthiest cuisine but it was Super Bowl night. There was not much left. Everyone left happy and unpleasantly full.

Mama and I will be going to Decatur tomorrow. I have a two day training class there. She has some exploring to do. We hope to look at one or two pieces of property to gauge what the true prices are in the area and check out what kinds of properties are available. Making the initial contacts is the hard part. Learning the area is not very difficult but it takes time and being five hours away makes arranging for that time tricky – especially with my schedule.

She has needed to make a Kroger’s run for some time now so this is a great opportunity. Since we have Maggie and Victoria at the house, arranging for transportation for Chase is fairly easy. It gives Mama and me good opportunity to take advantage of the travel needs for my job. It is especially nice when work covers meals and hotel rooms. It does not cost any more in lodging when Mama is there with me and it is a whole lot more fun to be with her in the evenings than to sit alone in a hotel room.

Mama and I are fasting today. After the abuse my stomach took yesterday, it is the least I can do.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Water – Supply and Leaks, Super Bowl

Water is available at all faucets in the house as of last night. The temperature only got to about 21F through the day but it was enough to clear the ice that was plugging the non-functioning lines. Even the washer has free flowing water so it will get a workout today and tomorrow. Our shower, however, is out of commission until a plumbing repair is made.

The tile guy was over again last night to test his work on the base of the shower and it seems to hold water without leaking. So the assumption is that the plumbing above the faucet is leaking. Somewhere in the connection to the shower head from the faucet is a leak that has probably been there since we started using it – he showed us the mold that has formed on the most effected wall which happens to be in our closet. Bummer!

We are having a Super Bowl party after church Sunday night so there need to be repairs made to the carpet and padding in both the living room and the closet – most importantly in the living room. Somehow we are going to get almost twenty people into our little living room to watch the game. (I don’t even know who is playing but I will root for whoever nobody here likes.) Chase is going to set up the DVR to record it as we are in church that evening so we can see the whole game after services are over. At least until we catch up to real time, we will be able to skip the commercials.

It is humorous how we have gotten used to recording shows and flying through them at our leisure. Skipping past the commercials saves about fifteen minutes per hour of TV programming. Of course, of all commercials, the commercials for the Super Bowl may be worth watching. We’ll see. At least we have the option.

Monday will be difficult for me since I will be late getting to bed Sunday night but somehow I will manage. Since Chase will have the school principal over to watch the game after church, he can’t be late for school Monday morning either. With the excitement of company, an atypical noise level in the house (Bro. York and Bro. Bobby will be watching the game together.), and what we are planning to eat that night, sleep may be difficult at best. Sunday nights are typically difficult for me to sleep anyway, so it may be end up being quite routine for me sleep-wise.

We are having a conference at our church on Tuesday. It is through the day so I would have to miss work to attend. I am still wrestling with whether or not to go – especially since something came up at work and I will be out of the office Wednesday through Friday for training. I am loathe to miss a good Bible conference, but I am hesitant to be a whole week out of the office. I will probably go, but I am still unsure. With the job I have here I, at least, have the option to consider it. It would be foolish not to do so.

Mama and I are fasting today because there are so many things that we have to pray about. I have fasted often and have seen God take those times and bless with answers to difficult, sometimes impossible situations. If nothing else, fasting centers my focus and allows my desires to line up more closely with his. The hunger pains from my selfish belly are an effective reminder that I desperately need God to hear my prayers.

Besides, I can see more answers when I look with the proper focus.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Down days, making snow, Airsoft battles

Have you ever had those days when overall you should have been rejoicing yet you felt burdened and heavy- hearted? Yesterday was one of those days. I finally mastered a program I had been working on for months. I got an answer to a prayer I had been praying about for almost a year. It was not the answer I had been looking for, but God did answer. Church services were great. Mama still loves me. There is so much more, yet I went to bed feeling like I had failed somehow.

Those times are hard to beat. Unlike a movie or TV show, life does not always have a happy ending. You don’t get to retake the shot, rewrite the lines or replay the event. A friend of mine once told me, “This is not dress rehearsal.”

Honestly, it all stems from a selfish attitude. It is kind of like an adult temper tantrum. I will have to check with Mama today and see if there are any fences to mend. I do not think I was harsh, only distant; translate that unloving, at least. (For her, that seems harsh.) I am not much better now. The circumstances have not changed. But I refuse to sacrifice what sustains me on a day to day basis for the sake of promoting my own pity party.

Andrew Kim sent us a video of a snow making experiment that he and his classmates were doing in Colorado. He is stationed there in the Air Force and the temperature was about ten degrees below zero. It was reported to be -40◦F with the wind chill. One of the guys in his barrack boiled a cup of water, carried it outside into the cold and tossed the contents into the air. It instantly became snow. Chase was all over that.

He and Seth did the experiment here in Amarillo. It was not as cold, only 6◦F, but the overall effect was the same. I am not sure how many times he and Seth repeated the test, but Mama finally told them to stop. Seth told her they were trying to get to sledding conditions in the back yard.

We still have some frozen water lines. With the temperatures overnight near zero it is understandable. What is troubling is that neither Mama nor I thought about running the water through the night in the areas most susceptible to freezing. I sure felt foolish. Added to that the problem we are having with the leak from the shower in our bathroom and it makes things difficult. Not impossible, just difficult.

I think Chase is enjoying his new school. At every break the boys have Airsoft battles. Fortunately, I bought one of the guns several years ago, so Chase was readily armed to charge into the fray. He wears the welts like trophies.

For the moment those plastic pellets have replaced basketball. At least in this game he gets to play.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Garage parking, Bad times coming?

We have a two car garage attached to our house here in Amarillo. We have enough room that we have been regularly parking the little van inside – especially since we filled the storage building parked next to our driveway with the overflow of boxes and other items to make room. Last night we rearranged again to see if we could put two cars in the open space and it worked. If the little van did not have sliding doors it may have been impossible to actually accomplish, but they fit and it made a big difference this morning when the temperature was -3F.

Victoria’s car is not fond of the cold and having it in the garage was a real blessing this morning. I still had to drive an hour in these temperatures but it did much better starting out with the oil above the -3F temperature. I am sure the garage was below freezing, but it was not below zero. Unfortunately the car will have to sit in those temperatures through the day in the parking lot here at work, but I got it off to a good start today.

A friend in New Jersey told me that there is more than an inch of ice on all the structures at work and a lot of snow on the ground. The temperature there is near 27F so all that accumulation should start to melt off later today, but it makes for dangerous work conditions and I imagine the roads are no better. Even in the bitter cold the roads were clear here. I told a friend yesterday that the cold is not too difficult to deal with, it is what it does to water that makes it hazardous. So other than the fear of breaking down and freezing to death in these temperatures, it is an easy commute for me here.

Watching Glenn Beck over the past several months has not painted a pretty picture of our country and our world, but I believe his representation to be a true one; more accurate than I would have known through other sources. But it begs the question, what can I do? Cori asked me yesterday if I had some sort of contingency plan for when things get really bad and I do believe it is coming. The short answer is no.

We are working diligently at getting out of debt totally; no car loans, no credit card balances, nothing on any type of payment plan. We are trying to save money, both in setting aside some in a segregated account and in drastically reducing our spending. Though we are working these plans, we are not making great progress, but we are making progress.

I still plan to live until I die. I am a very task oriented person and there is still a lot of work to be done, so my focus will be there until God gives me insight into what I need to do to care for the specific needs of those for whom He has made me responsible, and that may be a larger group than I expect; family, extended family, friends, etc. Who knows?

Should we give our children in marriage? Should we buy and sell? Yes and Yes. Should we circle the wagons and begin to isolate ourselves from the world at large, hoarding things that we think will have value in the hard times to come? Maybe, but my mind and my heart don’t work that way and it would be so easy to get way off track and start worshiping our own plan rather than keeping an honest eye on our Lord. Just look at Jim Jones and David Koresh to mention a couple.

It worries me to have to think that way so I may not be able to lead that charge…but I will pray about it.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cold in Texas

From my office here in Borger I can look out the window and see the bank sign across the street. It reads: 9:52 2◦ F – That’s cold. I waited until daylight to drive to work and I am very glad I did. From Panhandle, Texas over to Borger is a distance of twenty four miles. Most of the way I was driving in whiteout conditions. I saw the road often enough to stay on it, but not much more.

There is not really very much snow but what is here is blowing around in a 30-40 mph wind. There is no cover anywhere in the open plain and I prayed for Victoria’s car like I have never prayed before. To get stranded in the heat of the summer would be uncomfortable but to get stranded on this cold would be fatal. But God is good and I made it here safely.

I have to admit that I could get used to these hours, but it will only be for a day – at least until God allows me to start a business of our own where I can pick the hours. Someday… Anyway, the sun is coming out and we expect the temp to get all the way up to 8◦ F or so. Tomorrow we will shoot all the way up into the double digits. By Thursday the highs will be near 50◦, and we wonder why it is so hard to recover from a respiratory infection.

I have to keep reminding myself that even though this is Texas, we are more closely aligned geographically with Oklahoma and New Mexico and only a distance from Kansas. For that reason, our weather is the same as theirs, and that is kind of nice. The hardest thing to get used to is the dryness. Overall, this is the least humidity we have ever had in any of the locations we have ever lived. That has its blessings, but it is something we are not acclimated to yet so we suffer occasionally from bloody noses and always from extremely dry skin. It drives Mama crazy.

We took in the bird feeder last night since the predictions were for several inches of snow. As I was getting ready to leave this morning Mama had me put it back out because the sparrows were pecking through the snow-dusted grass to find seed. As soon as I had re-hung it and backed out of the yard they came to feed. Mama was relieved.

There is not much variety in the birds here, especially right now. Only the heartiest species can tolerate the current conditions. Even in the nicest weather, this is not a song bird paradise. We left that behind in West Virginia.