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Thursday, September 10, 2020

Dude perfect visit, doctor visit, great Labor Day, COVID at church, class yesterday, new arrivals

Tuesday Nate, Cori, and the kids went to the Dude Perfect headquarters in Ft Worth. As I understand it, they stopped by the complex early, but no one was there. After shopping at a nearby bookstore they stopped by again on the off chance that they would find some at the office. They did. Ty’s dad came out of a meeting to greet them. He spent just a brief moment with the kids but he took the time to go back into the office and get each of the kids a hat and a lanyard. They were thrilled. When they posted the encounter on their social media account, they were flooded with jestingly jealous responses from mamas whose children would be totally blown away by the encounter with such celebrities . It was well worth the trip for all of them.

Meanwhile, Mama and I were at the doctor’s office. Surprisingly, they got me in pretty quickly. I did not see the cardiologist, but rather his assistant. She and I talked at length and she decided to try me on another heart medication because it seemed that the beta blocker I was using was also affecting my lung function. I started that medication yesterday evening. I was off the meds yesterday as I taught my class, but I felt none-the-worse for it. When I checked my average pulse through the day it was 63 as opposed to 53 the previous day. I felt much better yesterday than I have in a while.

We had a great Labor Day. Joshua and Alicia were here. Mike, Becky and Bridgette were here also. Trace came over with his crew and Seth and Gabriela came over with their little one. I grilled hot dogs, hamburgers, sausages and chicken quarters. Mama made baked beans and macaroni salad. We had plenty to eat. We had a wonderful day visiting, eating and just relaxing together. All the boys – me excluded – went fishing that afternoon. Although Seth and Gabriela went home pretty early, Seth came back and spent the evening with us. He, Trace and Joshua visited well into the late evening. Seth came over Sunday morning with Rosalee and went to church with us. Joshua and Alicia headed home early Sunday morning. Becky and Mike left Sunday afternoon. Mike and Becky even found a house in Chico that they are interested in. Time will tell if that works out for them.

Sunday afternoon we got word that Gracie, Erin’s daughter had been diagnosed with COVID. They will be in quarantine for a couple weeks. Both Gracie and Erin, as well as all the boys, are doing well. It was not a severe case of the virus which is what we are seeing recently. We were told yesterday that one visitor who has come to a couple services was also diagnosed with COVID. He actually started feeling badly in the morning service Sunday. He and his family are doing fine as well. I just wish the panic would be over. My fear is that when the flu season hits, we will be subjected to the same draconian restrictions for that virus as well. I am already seeing stirrings of that very thought. Why not? It worked once. Why not impose them all over again? A famous Democrat strategist once said. “Never let a crisis go to waste?”

I had a great class yesterday. There were only five participants, but they really got into the class as we progressed. One gentleman was from Brenham. He had worked with my brother Tony at a manufacturing plant when Tony lived in Brenham. That was more than 20 years ago, but he made the connection. We took short breaks and a very abbreviated lunch, and we were done by about 3:30. They were pleased. My voice was worn out by the time we finished, but I still was able to lead the song service last night.

This morning, Mama insisted on taking care of the girl goats. I usually do that feeding to save her the steps. We have suspected that either Dolly or Lilly would deliver this week. It is a little difficult to tell which one was closest to kidding. Once they were in the barn with the feed, Mama realized Dolly was missing.  She and the grandkids discovered Dolly on the northwest side of the barn with two new arrivals. Both little girl kids. Mama immediately began to panic because it was a windy morning and the temperature was 53°. Dolly was not ready to go into the barn, but Mama eventually encouraged her and her little ones to seek shelter. The issue Dolly was avoiding was all the other goats staying in the barn because of the wet ground and the cool winds. Lilly will be kidding very soon. Perhaps this weekend or early next week.

Midas did a good job his first year as our buck.


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