In this time of confusion and outright lies concerning the ongoing election, I think it is important to remember who we are as Americans. Just as the church house is not the true church so America is not our government. The “called out”, set apart believers of all nations are the church, not the buildings they use for worship. In the same way “we the people” are America. When the founders in their elegant brilliance set up this representative republic, (we are not a democracy) their intent was that the government would serve at the will of “we the people”, not that “we the people” would serve at the pleasure of the government. That is why we have elections. To exert our will on those that govern us. If we do not like what they are doing as representatives of our will, we can send them packing and install those into office that will do as we desire.
Right now, our country is fractured by a deep selfishness
that I have never seen before. An unbudging hatred of all things righteous, all
things moral. There is a pervasive attitude of “I get to speak, and you get to
agree, or I will destroy you and all you love” attitude. “My way or you will
suffer the full extent of my wrath!” That does not come from pride. It comes
from pure covetousness. A heart that says, I WILL GET WHAT I WANT NO MATTER WHO
SUFFERS FOR IT! Spoken with the arrogant hubris that dresses up the words as a
desire to help those “less fortunate”. It is mind boggling to clear headed observers
that the infected cannot see that they have a sickness that will not let them
sacrifice on behalf of those they claim to serve but rather beat those the seek
to serve into absolute submission – or else. That is not who we are. If we do
not stand fast on the principles that guided those who formed the documents
that created this great nation, we will become those whom we loathe. Wrong is
and has always been wrong. It has always been right to call it out and oppose
it. We must certainly do so now.
That being said, the tide is turning. We have always dealt
with a certain level of election fraud in certain states. It has largely been
winked at and so, has become institutionalized, become common practice. The
rate at which fraud was used in this election is over the top. The thinking on
the part of those who engaged in the fraud was that no one would dare say anything
against it. They have always done it with impunity – but never on the scale it
was carried out in at least a dozen states during this election. Now the Department of Justice, the federal police
force, has been called in to investigate. Going to federal prison is not
something many of the cheaters will chose to do if it is avoidable. So, the
fraud and the narrative built around will crumble and we will get a fair and just
count of our votes. At least in so much as we can determine the votes that
should be counted. The legal votes. That is a good thing. The integrity of our
elections in fundamental to protecting the America we love. Without that, we
will slip into a chaos none of us would long tolerate. Pray for those who are
charged with the task of unearthing the fraud at all levels of each state,
county and city election boards.
We, as believers must also stand up and be counted for
Christ. If ever the world needed a Gospel witness, it is now. It is easier to
go long to get along but look at where that attitude has gotten us. We must speak
out prayerfully, lovingly but above all truthfully. Where do we get that truth?
From the Word of God. Our religious opinions matter not a whit. What does the Bible
say? That is all that matters. Only the Lord can heal the ills (the sin) in our
churches and then in our culture. Is it too late for that healing to come? It
could be. The Bible says that “If my people, who are called by my name will
humble themselves…” That is where we are failing as the church. We are no
longer humble before God Almighty. We are no longer willing to submit to God.
If we will not humble ourselves and submit to God, what chance do we have of
making an impact on those who do not know God?
This has been harsh today, I know. But it is something that
needed to be said. If we sit silently by, things will never move in the
direction of morality and truth. Lost persons will not seek the truth of the Gospel
until they see it lived out and spoken in compassion to them. Who but we, the church,
the called out assembly of God, can do that?
Something to think about. No. Something to do.
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