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Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Travel Update

 Well, we made it to Honduras but what a trip it was! Inclement winter weather moved unexpectedly into North Texas over the weekend prior to our planned trip - last weekend. The ice and snow that fell rapidly caused some major problems and the worst of the weather was actually forecast to hit overnight last night. That forecast turned out to be true and far worse that thought. So, with that in mind, Mama and I began to look at how we could change our flight from Wednesday morning to some other date. The two problems with any change were that 1) the change had to be made within the 72 hour deadline set for the expiration of our COVID test. We were on our way to have that test done as we started looking for options, knowing that there was no option to have the test re-administered before late Thursday or early Friday morning due to the business closings imposed because of the dangerously iced over roads, and 2) the weather was not forecast to break until late Thursday afternoon. Our best option was to try to move the trip up by a day or more.

With that as our plan, I called customer service at American Airlines. The airline had already announced that there would be no change-of-flight costs imposed, so that was a benefit we wanted to take advantage of. We got through to customer service and were told in an automated message that the wait time would be an hour or longer. Sure enough, it was. I was on hold for an hour and fourteen minutes. Thankfully I did not lose the call as Mama and I drove from Decatur to home. The representative was kind but difficult to hear and more difficult to understand, as we often find true in these situations, but he was able to help, and Mama and I got on a flight out Tuesday morning at 5:30 am. 

We immediately called Bro. Zach to see if he was willing to go along and drop us off at the airport that evening. The roads were already bad and getting worse, but the freezing rain had stopped and only a light snow was falling by 1 pm. Mama and I rushed to finalize our packing, get the last minute items pulled together and load the Sequoia. We left the farm at 5 pm. it was a miserable drive to the airport. It took us almost two hours at speeds never exceeding 40 mph on the icy roads. Fortunately all the drivers we shared the roads with were being as cautious as we were - with only a few exception - but things were bad. 

Traveling into Ft Worth, we finally were on treated roads within a few miles of the airport. That was encouraging to me and Mama because it meant that the runways at the airport were clear and passable as well. However, the roads in the opposite direction as we traveled were looking far worse than in the direction we were going. We knew that Bro. Zach was in for a rough trip home. He dropped us off to spend the night in the baggage claim area of the airport and headed out. It took him over three hours to make the triphome, but he got home safely.

Mama and I had a mostly uncomfortable night in the unsecured area of the airport but were able to finally check in for our flight at 3 am. Tuesday morning. That is where the real fun began. When we presented our COVID test papers to the attendant, she refused to let us on the flight because she felt that the documents were not adequate to pass muster in Honduras. Something about a NO having been circled on one portion of the paperwork alarmed even though NEGATIVE had been circled as the result of the rapid antigen test. It was ridiculous, we knew, but there was no changing her mind. 

I stopped Mama from causing a scene and we walked away from the counter, collapsed on some nearby seats and began crying out to the Lord. I was at the point emotionally and physically that I felt like I was on the verge of having a heart attack.  Fortunately, the Lord calmed both me and Mama, but I took my meds for that day just to be sure. After we prayed, I told Mama I would at least go ask about making arrangements to reschedule our travel but when I spoke to a different agent, she saw no problem with the COVID test papers and processed us onto the flight. PRAISE THE LORD! I hurriedly called Mama over to the counter to weigh our checked luggage and we allowed the attendant to get her portion done. WE took our tickets and carry on items and quickly left the counter hoping the lady who had refused us passage di don't see us move that direction. I looked to make sure and she was busy with other customers.

So, we arrived in Honduras yesterday at 1:30 pm local time a day earlier than originally scheduled. There was no problem with our COVID test documents, nor had we expected the there would be. But again, Praise the Lord! Back at home the conditions have worsened significantly because of overnight freezing rain and very cold conditions. That makes it a huge challenge for Victoria (who was unable to go to work today) and Grandpa to care for the animals. They will figure it all out just as Mama and I have done for many freezing mornings. Today will be the peak of the nasty weather. Friday is forecast to be almost seventy degrees. 

Typical North Texas Winter weather. 


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