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Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Too hot to handle, shift in attention, meds

As I got into the truck to head home from teaching a class yesterday afternoon, I could not touch the steering wheel because it was so hot to handle. The outside temperature displayed on the readout in the truck showed 114 degrees. I looked up on the internet to see how hot the steering wheel had to be for it to cause the pain I felt when I tried to grip it and the range of temperature suggested was between 125 and 140 degrees. I had no way to gauge the actual temperature of the steering wheel, but it remained too hot for me to grip as I normally would have for the entire drive home. I had to use the heel of my hand on the center of the steering wheel to maneuver the truck. Even that was uncomfortably hot. It was bearable, but uncomfortable. The overheated steering wheel was my fault because I did a bit of hopscotch before starting the class yesterday and when I finally ended up at the office, I did not put up the sunshades inside the truck. That is a mistake I will try very hard not to repeat.

For the remainder of this week and next week, the high temperatures are forecast to be between 105 and 112 each day. There is no chance of rain on that forecast, so things here are not just dry, the landscape is burned up. To be fair, this is not the first time we have seen this, but it has been many years since we have endured such a long spate of such hot, dry weather. Because of the continued dry conditions, Grandpa is a little concerned about our water wells here at the farm. I do not know if there is cause for concern, but it is worth being vigilant and careful in our water use. Meanwhile, all the birds are suffering in this heat, and we have lost about seven of our chickens and quail in the past two weeks. As expected, only the goats seem unaffected. They love the heat. Since we have four pregnant nanny goats, it is good that they do so well in this kind of heat.

As for me, I have found it difficult to work in this heat. I have to limit my time outside. I am afraid I have become more delicate in my older years. There is much I need to do, but I cannot risk my health for those things that are, honestly, unimportant. Prior to the excessive heat, I was able to get the electrical conduit finalized and the plugs in the outlets installed. I was able to get the frames for the windows installed as well, but I have made it not further. I did clean out the container so we could be ready for the foam to be applied, but I am not sure we can do so in this heat. Fortunately, there is no hurry. It gives me time to think through what remains to be done and how to get those things done.

I have to admit that listening to and researching the video about the prophecy of Daniel has given me a lot to think about. What was mentioned in the timeline proposed is worth considering, it’s worth the hour to listen to. ( That in addition to the information I am gathering in review of Chinese aggression towards Taiwan, especially from Dan Bongino, is a powerful argument in support of the very short timeframe we may be in. At the very least, Mama and I have become more conscientious about handing out tracts and talking to people about the Lord. I have committed to spending each Saturday morning soulwinning/bus calling. If the Lord does tarry, and for the sake of many who do not know Him, I hope He does, changing my behavior to focus on those things that I know please the Lord will only be a benefit. I want to be found faithfully working for the Lord regardless of how much time we have ahead of us.

Speaking of time remaining, I had a very good visit with my doctor Monday afternoon. I was curious to see the results of the lab work that had been done prior to that appointment. My primary concern was with my cholesterol levels. In preparation for those blood tests, I had restricted my cholesterol intake for ten or eleven weeks. Those results clearly proved that I do not benefit from taking the Statin drugs. Those drugs cause me so much discomfort that I do best to afford them even though they are strongly recommended. I shared with my doctor that I recently found a study that showed the overall benefit in reducing cholesterol to extremely low levels does not translate into a reduced risk of heart attack. I shared that study with him. He agreed with the changes in medication I wanted to make. We have implemented those changes and will visit again in a few weeks to see if the changes have produced the desired results. It is nice to work with a doctor that looks for the patients input into their care.

One of the surest signs that Mama and I are getting older is the plethora of medications in the cabinet we use to house those prescription bottles. For many years, that cabinet was filled with herbal combinations and over-the-counter medications. Now, that is not the case. Mama is much less medicated than I am, but she has not yet suffered the heart issues I have. As much as I detest taking prescription drugs, I cannot avoid them if I want to keep my heart rate and blood pressure down. Our hearts have only a finite number of beats left to give each one of us, and mine has far less left to make that some. That is what the cardiologist told me, and I have a feeling she is right.

Praise the Lord there is help available for me. I am glad my life I in His hands.



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