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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Simple things, big plans, dinner

As soon as I got home last night, Mama and I went out to see if we could clip the hooves of one of our nanny goats. Dolly, the goat in question, has been limping for a couple weeks so the procedure to trim her hooves was long overdue. But, with my aching back and Mama’s bum leg, we have put it off – until last night. I had determined a few weeks ago to try a tool I have that is not intended for goat pedicures. It is intended for pulling nails, but it worked beautifully for job we were doing. All eight toes were cut in about ten minutes. Goats have split hooves – two on each foot. There is no way to hurry the process. Dolly fought us the entire time, so I would not have been able to get the trimming done without Mama’s help. She brought her little garden stool with her to sit on while she helped restrain Dolly. Once we were done, Dolly scrambled up and ran a few steps away from us. Then, realizing she could run again, she took off for the sheer delight of it. we were glad to have that done. Encouraged that we could accomplish such a simple but necessary thing.

After we ate a small meal, Mama and Victoria went to Lowe’s to order our stove. We decided on installing an electric range instead of the gas range we originally wanted. Since neither the cooktop nor the double ovens are functioning properly, we need to replace both. A range is the cheaper way to go – and Mama found one she really likes for a price that I can agree with. While they were gone, I looked through all the files I could find related to our real estate business to find paperwork that contained my PIN number for wire transfers through the bank we are using for the business. Thought I searched high and low, I could not find what I was looking for. Hopefully, this morning I can get the bank officers to help me out. We need to get the money into the title company account by tomorrow to be able to close next Monday. This is our first run at doing business this way, so I expected some hiccups, but the timing could not be worse. Hopefully, we will be able to get the transfer done on time. If not, we will deal with it when we get back. Another one of those simple things that somehow get complicated in the process of life. By the way, Victoria and Mama came home and informed me that they were successful in ordering the range – as well as a new dishwasher.

Cori called later in the evening so she, Mama and Victoria could go over a first pass at an itinerary for our time in Honduras. They are more concerned about getting activities slated for days of the week than getting specific times set aside for any particular activity. I think we got the ten days pretty well booked in that one conversation. Whether or not we get to follow through on those plans remains to be seen – but we have a plan. Since Nate and Cori are still responsible as missionaries in the work there, there are several overlapping events that could affect our plans. We will adapt as needed. Bags are packed and sitting ready. Stuffed is a more appropriate term. Three checked suitcases; all weighing just under 50 pounds. Three carry on suitcases and three personal items. We are getting excited about the trip; regardless of what the itinerary ends up being. But even though we are excited, I cannot imagine the excitement at our children’s home in Honduras.

Tonight, we have our Thanksgiving dinner at church. Victoria got a coworker to change shifts with her, so she could attend the dinner. It is always a good time – and a lot of good food. I am getting to the age where I cannot enjoy much of the food these dinners provide, but I certainly enjoy the fellowship. Not being able to eat much is not a bad thing. The food lasts about a day in my system. The memories last a lifetime in my heart.

I’ll choose the memories…they are easier to digest.


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