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Friday, November 9, 2018

Talking shop, holiday planning, Victoria

Mama called me yesterday afternoon to tell me that she had accepted a dinner invitation for that evening. It was spur of the moment, but I did not mind. We had the O’Conner family over to the farm several months ago and they have been talking about having us over to their house for several months now. It was a fun evening. They have been going to church with us for a couple years not and we enjoy talking with them when after services. Their younger two children sing in the choir and participate in all the youth activities. They, like us, have lived in multiple places in the United States and have a wealth of stories to tell and the sense of humor to present those tales in an enjoyable manner. The parents – who are just younger than me and Mama – are delightful people. Simple souls. Hard working and consciences. No pretense. Their children reflect that character.

We had a fun evening. Only their youngest daughter was there for the meal. She is graduating High School next year. Mama and I told anecdotal stories of our children and our travels and they reciprocated. We laughed a lot – at ourselves and each other. Mama and I left about 8:30, before the three older boys had gotten in from their work. Right most of the work they do requires an extensive amount of travel. The dad and mom of the family are looking for something else to do with their lives and monies, so we talked a good bit about the real estate business Mama and I are getting into. They were both very interested in partnering with us at some point in the near future. They would be an asset because of their extensive background in construction – especially roofing and siding. Just like the realtor we are working with in Lawton, experience provides insights into remodeling possibilities I cannot come up with on my own. We can use those insights as we pursue this business. Mama and I will have to get sharpened up on setting up such business deals in order to involve more people in the purchase and sale of real estate. This family, like the Burns family, would be great long-term partners.

Work continues to chug along as one issue after another resolves itself without any intervention on my part. I do at times feel shut out of things in which I could be an asset to my employer, but I manage to find enough to do day by day to participate in a productive flow in the overall workload. I tell myself they are withholding work assignments in order to allow me to stay close to home for Mama’s sake. And that may actually be the case. No one has said so, but I like to give them the benefit of the doubt. At work we are gearing up for the holidays. Parties and office gatherings are planned through the end of the year. Everyone seems excited about the festivities. I have to admit that the company goes all out to put on a Christmas party. Mama and I will probably attend this year since it is so early in the month of December. Actually, the party falls on the weekend after we return from Honduras. Mama and I are more focused on our trip to Honduras than on any local activities, but we will go along to get along.

Victoria was planning a trip to Brittany’s this weekend. She is off today and was intending on leaving this morning but when she came in last night, she as not sounding very good. She was not coughing but was hoarse and congested. I would imagine the trip is off, but she, Mama and Brittany will work that out amongst themselves. The twins are finally better. They went through a lengthy battle with fevers and congestion but seem to be on the mend right now. I am not sure Brittany would like to invite any potential infectant into the house that could interrupt the continued good health of the little ones. Especially since Victoria is really there to cuddle and smooch on the girls. It is not like she would look on from a safe distance as the twins went through their daily routine. If Victoria does not make this trip, we will see the girls over the Christmas holidays.

That just seems so long away to Mama and Victoria.


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