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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Deceit wins the night, God wins the war

I went to bed last night hopeful we would not continue with the same leadership as the last four years. I was not sleeping well and woke around 10 p.m. I got up and found Mama in front of the computer. She announced the electoral vote tally to me. It took me over an hour to get back to sleep.

As I woke this morning and began to deal with the reality of what is happening in our country – as reflected in the presidential election – and I now know that people that think the way I do have become a minority. People who expect to get up every morning and work hard to provide for their families. People who are self-sufficient, providing for themselves and their families. People who are innovative, creating solutions to the problems they encounter. People who are willing to work for what they want in life without the expectation that someone else owes that prize to them. People who, from their own hard work, expect to leave an inheritance for their children.

I am deeply disappointed in the circumstances. I still know that the Lord is on His throne and He will care for His own. The warnings have been shouted out and ignored. Time will prove the “criers in the night” were telling the truth.

God is still in control. We still have a job to do.


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