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Thursday, February 5, 2015

Full up, new glasses, warm weather

Mama, Grandma and Grandpa picked up the meat from Hess Meat Market yesterday. It was almost more than our freezers could hold. The processing weight was 638 pounds so the final weight would have been near 500 pounds. There were ten boxes of meat to deal with when they got there. They hustled home and got it all into the freezers – except three packages of hamburger which Grandma cooked up as soon as it thawed. Any thoughts I had of getting a hog processed- providing we could trap one – will have to wait until we have opened up some freezer space.

Mama is going to talk to a few people at church to see if they would like to buy some of the meat. I am not sure how she will work that out but I think we need to pursue it. She will also talk to the Skills to see if we can trade some of our beef for some lamb. All the space to keep the meat frozen would have worked out a little better if Grandma and Grandpa had not bought eight half gallons of frozen yogurt last week…it was on special.

Last night I wore my new glasses to church. I have not risked wearing them as I lead the singing because I was fearful I would not be able to move my eyes from looking out at the congregation back to the hymnal and get the words of the song in focus as quickly as I needed to. It worked out alright but I wanted to make sure I did not try it on a Sunday morning for the first time.

With the progressive lenses there is a narrow band of view in the center of the lenses that goes all the way from the top of the lens to the bottom of the lens with multiple focal lengths as you progress downward or upward – as needed. The problem is that outside of that band of prescription cut glass everything is very blurry.

It requires a lot more head movement to keep things in proper focus than normal bifocals. Granted, the movement is minimal but you have to train the eyes to center on that focal band in the lens while the head and neck make the adjustments to bring everything into focus. It is a bit of a challenge and can be quite disconcerting if you are moving quickly.

At work, I call them my go-to-meeting-glasses because I cannot use them for normal computer work since the focal length I need for that work is at the very bottom of the lens. Mama assures me I will get used to them but she is eight months ahead of me. I have to admit that it is nice to see clearly at a distance.

The weekend is almost upon us and this one promises to be a great one weather wise. The temperature is supposed to move a little over 50®F from this morning’s low of 28®F to near 80®F by Saturday afternoon. I have plans to start the shed at the barn so we can get some cover over our equipment and hay.

We will see how those plans progress as we move into the weekend.


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