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Thursday, June 14, 2018

Mama’s surgery, some success, training

Mama got the call yesterday evening for her appointment with the hospital requiring her pro-op. She will be going to the hospital this morning for a two-hour training session followed up with some required blood work. The training session will outline the knee replacement procedure and familiarize her with the post-op requirements and expectations. The hospital staff are talking about rehab following a week in the hospital if Mama does not have someone to tend to her during that period. I am hoping that she finds out this morning what the extent of that care is, so we will know what will be required of the person providing that care. If it requires 24/7 attendance, I may not be ale to provide all that care, but we should find out today. At a minimum, I will have to take off next week (without pay) to be with Mama at the hospital.

This morning Mama was up very early so she could get the feeding and watering done before she had to leave for her training session. I think the forewarning will be very helpful for her and I wish I could have been in attendance, but we did not have enough advance warning for me to make myself available. Mama promised me she would try to take notes during the training, but I am not holding my breath. She is not the note-taking type.

Last night, we got a call from our friends that attended the auction with us. They stayed over in Lawton to go to the foreclosure sale yesterday. Our coach was not positive they would have enough cash to buy a house at the sale because there are not generally houses available in the price range they needed. It is a good thing they stayed and attended. They were able to purchase a house – and still have some cash left over. They were thrilled. They walked away from a week in Lawton with two houses to fix up and resell. It will be interesting to follow up with them and see just how much they were able to clear on the houses. Regardless, it is a great start to their business and we wish them well. We were glad to be able to help; so were they.

I was in class all day yesterday. I was not the instructor. This was a second run with a coworker to prepare him for a regional event he is scheduled to teach in August. As an additional benefit, he will be able to take a class next week in Conyers, GA while I am at the hospital with Mama. That will give him enough time in front of enough audiences that he will be confident at the event that will be attended by some on our leadership team. Friday, I am meeting with the second person that will go through the same steps to be evaluated as an instructor with the expectation that he will teach a regional class in September.

The next class I am scheduled to teach is in September in Alabama. It is a high-profile training venue for EWN. For some reason I am not excited about presenting the two classes I am responsible for, but it should be fun. The workshop is a week-long event with special events nightly. It is always well attended and the classes I am scheduled to present are only four-hour classes followed by a lengthy activity…outside. That is always the tough part. It is not the coolest time of the year. Last year we were shut out by a hurricane that moved through the area at the beginning of that week.

This year they are hoping to avoid that interruption.


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