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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Small detours, short-term memory, sunrise on the farm

Saturday afternoon while Mama and I were looking at houses in Comanche County we saw a sign for the Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge. It indicated that we were only three miles from the refuge. When we looked at the house we were researching – which sold for far more than was indicated on the report sheet – we crossed over the Quanah Parker Highway and drove into the refuge. The first thing that caught our attention was the stacked rocks that formed the hill leading into the refuge. The formations stretched out for several miles. Those of you that know Mama know her fascination with rocks. The next thing that caught our attention was a sign warning travelers that artillery shells may be shot over the road. I found that interesting. I have no idea what that would be like but assume it would be hard to miss when it happens. At the entrance to the refuge there is a monument style sign that has a warning posted announcing that longhorns and buffalo are to be considered dangerous. The entire area is open range, so the warning was to let people know that there were no barriers of fences to contain any of the wildlife in the refuge. I told Mama as we drove past that sign that I would like to see some buffalo.

We did not have to go far. About a mile into the refuge there was a bull buffalo and a cow. They were huge. They were not hard to spot partly because of their size and dark hides against the green meadow. They were easy to spot because a couple of young guys were out in the field getting closeups of themselves with the bull. We stopped along with several other vehicles to get pictures also. We stayed in the vehicle. But we had to wail until the two interlopers made their way back to their car to get an unobstructed view. We did not go much farther into the refuge. We had to try and get home at a reasonable time, but it was a nice detour.

I got on my LinkedIn page last week and saw a note from a gentleman who had worked a brief time with me at the job I currently have. The message was over a month old. Just shows how hooked I am to social media. Anyway, I reached out to him through email and we eventually connected by phone. When he left this company, he easily found work. He is an upper management type – Vice President background, visionary. I knew when I met him that he would not be long with this company. The position he was in was not a good fit for him professionally. He relocated out of the country with the new company position. We did not have time to talk long. He was on another call when he took mine but hopefully, we will reconnect when both of us can spend some time catching up. He is a very interesting man. A year of so ago he sought my help with a project that he may still want to pursue. We will see.

Mama and I came to the office for a couple hours last night. I had a lot of research to get lined out and we needed access to a working printer. The one at the house is not working properly. I also needed to two-monitor set up I have at the office. What was funny was that the houses we were researching are the ones we just looked at Monday when we were finished with the auction and neither of us could keep them straight. We did not have the pages we used for notes when we were in Lawton and neither of us took any “as-is” pictures when we were there, so we were struggling to remember what we actually saw at each property.

After getting slightly agitated with the disagreements we were having as we tried to connect the dots of our collective memories, we finally had to laugh about it. We are learning as we go. One thing is obvious. We will require a lot more pictures to keep properties straight. We were trying to disconnect from the eight properties we looked at for the last auction and retain the memories of the seven we are looking at for the next auction. It would be nice if we could annotate pictures as they were being captured, but I am not sure such software is available.

Mama was out fairly early the other morning and got some nice images of the sunrise through the trees on the east side of the property.


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