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Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Long weekend, back to busy

It still amazes me that several days can pass with all the conversations, all the activities, all the meals together with those we love and when we sit down to make a record of the time, so little can be effectively recalled. Mama and I had Friday evening, all day Saturday, all day Sunday and all day Monday together. It was a good long weekend. Victoria used the weekend to travel to see Brittany and the girls. She had a wonderful time. It took over twelve hours on the road to enjoy a full day with Brittany and the twins, but those are the sacrifices we make to have those opportunities. I asked Mama if she was thinking of joining Victoria for the trip, but she did not feel that she was up to it physically.

Mama and I stayed home. We did not even go out for any food items or farm items over Saturday, and only went to Sam’s late on Monday. Mama got to spend a good bit of time on the phone with Maggie and Cori throughout the long weekend. Savanna loves the ability to show off for Grammy in real time and on Monday, Cori needed to distract her for a few minutes so the kids in school could get some work done. Of course, we went to church Sunday morning and evening. We had Aubrey, Cheyenne and Yilin for our normal Sunday morning but since Monday was a holiday and we were having a fellowship after church Sunday night, we got to bring them back to church that night. We had a great time. Aubrey was the center of attention throughout the evening. We got them home pretty late. It was a little before 9 pm before we dropped them off, but the girls were still wired up from the evening. I am sure it was difficult to get them settled and sleeping, but they had the next morning to sleep in. Mama and I slept in Monday morning also.

All weekend I worked on the addition for the shop. Mama was gracious and did not have me break away for any honey-do projects throughout the entire time. She worked on things inside the house Saturday and Monday and made several pitchers of green tea for me as I stayed soaking wet outside. I was able to finish the walls and the roof of the little addition to the shop. My primary goal for the addition is to store the gas cans and the gas-powered equipment outside of the shop. I am planning on putting a wood-burning heater in the shop, so I need the gas elsewhere. Plus, I did not like the shop always smelling of gas when I worked in it. Like always, there is still some more to do to get it complete to the point where I can lock it up, but it will keep things I have in there dry. Just in time. It is forecast to rain every day for the remainder of the week.

We will have to wait and see if we really get the predicted rain. We were supposed to get rain Sunday and Monday but that did not happen. It spit a little rain on me Monday afternoon, but not enough to wet the ground. Mama and I got to go through some rain as we went to Sam’s Monday evening, but by the time we got to Decatur from Denton (only thirty miles east), the skies were clear and sunny. With a tropical storm pushing moisture our direction from Florida, we may actually see some rain at our farm. It would be a welcome change.

Mama and I have a buy week this week; especially as I prepare to be gone all next week. I will meet with our accountant and make some changes to our accounts for business purposes. Those changes will allow us greater opportunity to invest in real estate through the end of the year. Mama will be making a lot of calls to get some of our medical bill paid down and hopefully schedule her MRI, so the doctor can determine what surgery he is going to do on her right knee. That surgery is still scheduled for the 18th of this month. Mama is excited about the possibility of having only a repair done rather than a full replacement.

I have to admit, that would be a blessing as far as her recovery is concerned, but we will do whatever the doctor recommends.


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