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Friday, December 21, 2018

Work from home, one group out; one group in, final Christmas prep

Yesterday our management gave approval for us to work from home today. Much of what we do in the Education Department, can be done remotely. It is a definite boon to productivity to be at the office on the servers that are in-house and access the internet provided us there. But we can get work done remotely. For me, it is a challenge to work from home because of internet issues and the constant draw to do other things during work hours. I suppose it is a matter of discipline on my part as well as Mama’s part. When we have access to each other, we prefer to be in each other’s company; answering to each other’s needs as those needs arise. But for the day, I will concentrate on work-related issues through my normal work hours while Mama tends to things at home. Although, I reserve the right to intercede in issues at home as I deem necessary.

I did not get started on work related issues too much before the Echeveria kids were up and going. By the time I got set up at my desk in the bedroom – it would be impossible to work from the desk I have set up in the living room – Mama was making breakfast. It is a challenge to do so for this group. Luke cannot have diary. Joseph cannot have eggs. And of all things, Mama decided to make pancakes. Luke’s were made from pancake mix without milk. Joseph’s were made from the same mix but without eggs. Separate bowls of batter. Separate prep times on the cast iron gridle. But the kids enjoyed the results. The only issue was that there was so much batter left over. Later today, Mama and I will make the pancakes and feed them to the chickens and the pigs. They are not allergic to either dairy or eggs. It is fun to have the chickens and the pigs. With those animals on the farm, nothing goes to waste; literally nothing. And they really, really enjoy our scraps.

I am told the Echeveria kids will be picked up about the time that Andrew, Brittany and the twins will be rolling in. Mama, Victoria and I are looking forward to having them here for the weekend. The twins are growing up so quickly it is a pleasure to be able to see them a couple times per year. Especially at this stage of their lives. We regret not being able to see Kathryn and Walter, but we have not been able to work out the logistics to get to Maggie and Aaron and they have not been able to get to us either. Oh, well. We will take what we can get and enjoy the twins this weekend. Brittany and Andrew are planning on staying through Sunday afternoon. Every time the twins see me or Mama they start saying “Papi. Papi.” Over and over. Then fight for the phone to keep our image facing them. That is a delight for Mama and me. Having them here in person, promotes the same competition for our attention. Between times of distracted play, Sophia wants me to hold her. She is getting big enough that it is a workout for me to hold her as long as she would like; but I do my best. I have been working out lately and today I will get to see if that will help with my endurance in toddler lifting.

With Christmas coming early nest week, Mama and I are in the final stages of preparing for that day. We will not have a lot of people in the house that morning, but the house will fill through the day. Trace and his crew will be over. The Echeveria crew sill spend the day with us. Norman, Seth and Gabriella will be over as well. Sixteen adults and six children. It is a good thing we got the new range installed. As far as I know, we are not going to do any further decorating to the house, but we will have a lot of cooking, baking and meal prep to do for the group of guests. We will be fixing a ham, a turkey and a small brisket. For the brisket we may go to Raymond’s BBQ and buy the prepared meat. In the long run, it works out to ne about the same price per pound – with far less fat to deal with and not real prep time involved. What strikes me as humorous is that I will get the boxes that contained the Christmas decorations back out to the well house just a few days before I will have to drag them back into the house to be repacked.

That is just the way it worked out.


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