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Thursday, February 7, 2019

Moving Millie, stopping for photos, free time, a new trio

 I had lunch with Mama after her appointment yesterday. We have gotten not results from that appointment, but Mama did stop by her Primary Care Physician to get the long-awaited results of her blood work and the office assured her everything was in the normal range. Over lunch (we met at Wendy’s and I ate my salad while we shared a large chili), Mama voiced her concern over the fact that the goats will not go into the building we cleared the pigs out of. Where we have them placed, it is the only shelter they have from the rain. And it began to rain yesterday morning. Not a hard rain, but enough to get soak the goats as they huddled in the open. But what Mama had discovered in her morning feeding was that Millie was inside the building and would not allow the other three to enter. Lilly and Aspen were permitted to shelter just inside the doorway, but poor Dolly, was offered no refuge. Mama’s solution was to move Millie back into the paddock with the sheep. That was a good solution so, Mama and I planned to do so when I got home from work.

Mama did not wait for me. With the forecast of thunderstorms in the early afternoon, Mama was desperate to get the goats into shelter. With that impetus, Mama wrangled Millie out of the enclosure, across the coop area, through the garden and into the paddock that Millie used to call home. Leaving the three other goats to work out the accommodations in the repurposed pig building; which they managed to do in very short order. The only potential disruptor to having Millie back with the sheep was the issue of Millie sharing the barn with the sheep. That turned out to be a non-issue. Millie, all four ewes, and little Penny bedded down comfortably last night inside the barn while Aspen, Dolly and Lilly shared the pig building. It was a good thing that was all worked out because the temperature dropped overnight, and the wind picked up. Tonight, the temperatures will be well below freezing with high winds to circulate the frigid air. Fortunately, the chill is only supposed to last a few hours (24° tonight, 31° tomorrow night), whereupon the temperature will quickly move out of the freezing range (low to mid-forties through the days). But last night all our animals had shelter. That allowed Mama to sleep well.

As Mama and I were eating dinner, our neighbor, the one that owns the large tract of land to our East, slowed and stopped on the road. He was delivering feeder cubes to his herd on that acreage. His daughter got out of the truck to get a closer look at Penny – who was grazing just inside the fence at the road. Of course, the sheep shied away but that did not stop her from getting her phone out and spending several minutes snapping photos of the lamb. It was fun for me and Mama to watch. We enjoy having the animals, especially the young ones. It is nice to see others share that experience.

Since our special services ended last night, tonight is kind of a free night. Or it would be if Mama had not scheduled a demonstration of an air purifier produced by the Rainbow corporation. We agreed to the demo to help Erin get ten demos scheduled in her name. Having those demonstrations completed will allow her to purchase the item at a greatly reduced price. And she really wants one. Fortunately, Mama and I are not in a position to make such a purchase right now, but if the purifier is something we want, we can circle back to Erin for any of the information we need to make the purchase in the future. Regardless, it ties us up for an additional evening this week. Oh well, it is not like I am any further behind than I would have been without the evenings being taken this week.

Tuesday night at church, I got a couple young men who are studying at BBTI to sing a trio with me. One is a strong tenor, the other a very strong bass. Together, the three of us sang Nothing but the Blood. Each of us in turn sang the verses in unison “What can wash away my sin?” sung as a solo. “Nothing but the blood of Jesus”, sung as a trio in unison. Then we broke into parts on the chorus. With three strong voices, it came out really well. Mama had Krystal take a video of the song and she sent it to Mama right after we finished. Mama did not attend that night because she was hurting too badly. That video provided one of the few times I actually got to hear a recording of myself singing. We were immediately asked to sing together again.

I believe we can make that happen again.


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