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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

New things

Mama called me as I was on my lunch break yesterday to let me know that the well service company was on their way to the farm. So notified, I sent a quick email to my supervisor to let him know that I was going home to take care of some urgent business. I got to the farm only a few minutes before the crew did. I knew I would have to move the trailer and tractor out of their way in order to get their truck in position to pull the pump and since they were already there, I hurried too much. I used the fork attachment on the front of the tractor to lift and move the trailer and in the process ripped apart the wiring for the lights. That repair would have to wait until later.

Once the crew got their truck into position, we had to trim some limbs off the nearby trees so they could safely extend the boom they would use to pull the sections of pipe out of the well. They did not have a way to cut away the branches. They asked if I did. I did not have a powered pole saw but I do have a manual pole saw. We used that – fully extended – to get to the offending branches. It is a bit of a workout. I got most of the way through the first branch when the helper on the crew took over. He did the other two branches as well and we were in business. While the helper and I were cutting branches, the lead was checking wiring. As it turned out, it was the wiring that failed and not the pump. That would have to be replaced. Knowing they were on the right track, they began the pull.

Twenty-two twenty-foot sections of pipe later they had the pump out of the well. The date of manufacture on the pump was 2002. I had to decide if we would put new wire on the old pump and reinstall it or purchase and install a new pump. The cost of the new pump was $969. Mama and I decided on putting in a new pump. Since we were already at the point of having the pump out of the well, what would be the gain of putting the old pump back in the well with new wiring and hoping it worked properly. Total cost for the new items - $1,950. Once the new pump was in place and tested and the well was sealed, I put up the hoses and undid all the connections I had made to get water to use while the well was inoperable. Mama was excited to have water restored to the house. That excitement did not last long.

Since the well had been thoroughly stirred, the water coming to the house was cloudy with silt and small particles that clogged every faucet screen as we began to use the running water. The kitchen faucet and the washer were the biggest problems. It took me a few minutes to figure out how the clean to the screen on the kitchen faucet, but I did. We cleaned that screen out several times before we got past the gravel flecks in the water. With the washer, I disconnected the cold water line and cleaned the screen twice before finally taking the open line and running water through it until it ran clear. That took about ten buckets full of water to accomplish. Mama will run the washer today and see if I succeeded in getting the line cleaned sufficiently. By that time, it was almost 10 pm. I was thoroughly worn out.

Meanwhile, Victoria traveled back to Bowie with friends from church to play volleyball. I am not sure how often the offering is made for her to join, but it has been several weeks since she has participated. She left the house at about 6:15 and was back home about the time I was finishing cleaning the line to the washer.

I told Mama yesterday evening, with all the repairs and replacements we are doing at the farm and in the house, I get the impression that the Lord may want us to stay there for many years to come. Only time will tell.


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