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Thursday, May 21, 2020

Class, missed church, furniture needs, growing things

Class yesterday went well. We had a few hiccups with the software through the four hours of class, but we managed to rectify each one of them one by one. I had ten participants in the class, so not everyone was able – or willing – to participate, but the few that did made the class a success. We were done by 12 pm. Right on time. These classes are fairly easy to teach. I am learning how to get the pace of the presentation right to make sure we take the time we allotted without having to rush through anything or to drag anything out. Right now, I am using a presentation that I am not excited about, but it is all we have until the rewritten presentation is approved for publication. Everyone enjoyed the class. That is always a bonus. Everyone did well on the test. Even someone who was struggling with a language barrier. Another bonus.  We got some really good feedback. So, we will continue with this style of online presentation even after things return to normal. It is a real money maker for my company; especially no travel is required by me or the participants.  It is job security for me, since I am one of three who can present the class in the current format.
No one noticed during the class, but I had a blistering sinus headache. The headache has been a staple of my days for a couple weeks due to the windy conditions and the high pollen count, but yesterday was a bit more than normal. I managed through the class, but by the time I got home and started through the course of the afternoon into the evening, the headache got worse to the point that I missed church last night. Mama missed as well for mostly the same reason. we were able to listen and watch online, but it is not the same as being there. Bro. Zach let the music since I was not there. I really miss my part in the service when I am not able to attend participate in person.
This morning Mama, Grandma and Grandpa are going furniture shopping. We are in need of a new sofa or love seat, but we are not in a position to purchase anything. That, I suppose, is the best time to shop – when you have no money to spend. Since Mama spends a large part of her day sitting on the sofa with the recliner up, we have discovered that the couch we have needs to be replaced to accommodate her “office” time. We are leaning towards purchasing a love seat versus another sofa. Either way, the purchased furniture will need to offer a recliner function if it is to serve Mama’s needs. So, the shopping has begun. Hopefully, the couch we currently have will serve well enough in the interim while we locate a suitable replacement within our price range. Not an easy task. For me it is more like a chore.
We are forecast to get rain during each of the next seven days. That is a blessing. It will get some of the pollen out of the air and it will water our plants at this critical time. Getting the small transplants in the garden time to get a strong root system before the heat comes and stays is crucial. Warm overcast days with periods of rain are like raising the plants in a greenhouse.
Mama and I are already picking blackberries, both wild ones and domesticated one. Our blackberry plants are loaded this year. We will start picking blueberries tonight. Mama is a little disappointed about the blueberry bushes. One of the three is producing only a few berries. The other two are doing okay, but not as well as last year. Peaches are ripening on the tree and will be ready to pick in a couple weeks. The pear tree is doing okay, but I am not interested in that fruit. The pears are hard and gritty. Not something I am excited about. The nectarine tree has about twelve nectarines left on it. That is disappointing since it was loaded last month. I will plant the two pecan trees I “hatched” at an agreed spot in the back yard sometime today or tomorrow.  In about ten years we will get pecans from them. It will be interesting to see if we are here for that harvest.
Victoria will be traveling home today. I am assuming she has had a good visit with Brittany and the girls. I will get filled in on that later today.


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