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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Class, work

In the class I taught yesterday, I had only four students. It was a still a very good class. All of the participants were engaged and interested in the material. One participant sent my contact information to his leadership so that I could be offered an opportunity to speak at a commencement of one of their classes. They provide different course paths to prepare employees to work in a variety of roles in the oil field. That kind of invitation was different - but encouraging. Another asked about other offerings we currently had open during this “crisis” and is enrolling two of his employees in a class I am teaching online next week. Even with only four participants and the elimination of certain activities due to social distancing impositions, we managed to stretch out the class for the required time, ending about 4 pm. I was very tired after the class for some reason. I had to lay down for an hour before getting ready to go to church. But, overall, it was good to give a face to face class presentation in the midst of all this ongoing confusion. I will do it again on the 27th.
We are starting to allow people back into the office next week with the caveat that we will strictly enforce social distancing rules. How fun! I have not been notified if I am one of the persons who will return that week or if I will be allowed back in the following weeks. That announcement will come out today. In talking with Crystal (my boss) briefly about the return to work, she mentioned that she and Red may not be allowed to come back to the office until the perceived danger is passes. Whenever that is. Both of them have serious underlying health conditions. She was not pleased. The confusion and mixed messages only add to the disruption and fear and my management is struggling to make sense of a situation that no one has been able to clarify to the point that we can see a path forward. No one is sure if what we are doing is working or just what we are working to accomplish.  Are we striving to eliminate all germs from the workplace? Are we striving to eliminate all potential transmission of any illness within the workplace? What is our objective and how will we know we have met that objective? No one knows. No one wants to assume the responsibility of outlining or defining that mission. But we are working fulltime and getting paid a fulltime salary as well. Praise the Lord!
Mama and I are now getting regular updates on the houses in Lawton. Paperwork is submitted other than that which we are waiting on from our CPA. I had to correct some paperwork for the CPA yesterday in order for her to complete the documents the bank requires for our real estate business for 2019. Since I will be at the office this afternoon, I will get the remainder of that information to her, but I am not 100% sure what she actually needs. So, I will give her everything I can get from the bank. It will all be in electronic format, so the document size is irrelevant. She can sort through and get what she needs from the mass.
 I am scheduled to meet with my boss this afternoon for my annual review. It should go well. At least I do not anticipate any difficulties or surprises.


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