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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Change of schedule, moving fast, vacation planning

In a slight change of schedule, I have to teach an in-person class tomorrow. I was not originally scheduled for the class but that is the way things worked out. So, I will be teaching tomorrow, Thursday and Friday. My only concern is my voice since I seem to lose my voice in the course of an eight-hour class. Teaching three back-to-back classes will be a challenge. I am not sure what happened in the scheduling, but I am glad I found out yesterday rather than Wednesday morning. Also, in a slight change of schedule, we went last night to pick up a chair from Grandma and Grandpa’s since Norman was available to help me load the chair. That was done after I had gotten the tires Norman passed along to me mounted on the truck. The tire work took over an hour, but now it is done. Same with the chair. Mama and Victoria are very excited about the chair. Me, not so much.

Today is the only day this week that I will be working from home. As predicted, these days of working remotely will get less and less. There is a company-wide meeting next week which I will not be able to attend that will more than likely address how we are to coordinate returning to the office. The challenge to our management is to house an additional fifteen people into the office when we do not have space for those additional people. There has been some talk about sharing desks – as in working one week in the office and one week from home. During my week working remotely, someone would be sitting at my desk in the office. So, every Friday we would have to pack up our desk and vacate our office space. Not a good psychological approach if we are interested in promoting a sense of permanence. I am not sure if it would feel more like being a contract worker. One week on. One week off. It will probably work, but it will not be a good solution. My worry is that we will be more fractured as a company than we currently are but I do not have a workable solution to offer.

By the time we complete this week, we will be halfway through the month of March. That is to say, we will be nearly through the first quarter of 2021. Fortunately, this year is passing quickly. I am not always looking forward to the year flying by, but this year seems different. We have to suffer through at least two year of the current administration before we have the chance to change things – if we have the gumption to do so. I am not looking forward to gas prices being over $3 per gallon, which it will be by the end of the year. I am not looking forward to one million or more illegal alien coming into our country, which will happen through this year. Certainly by the end of two years. I am not looking forward to our loss of liberty as it is eroded by executive order and judicial overreach, which is happening right now. I am not looking forward to our religious freedoms and our free speech being taken from us, which we will start to see very obviously in the months to come.

We will stand against all these infringements every step of the way, but we are stuck with what we have in the highest offices in the land for now, with very little options to win in that opposition. I can say that I will no longer support the Republican Party. I am wholly on board with Donald Trump and his Save America PAC. I can at least do that with some confidence. The only thing we have on our side right now is that the Liberal crowd always pushes too far when they are in power. The fact that they had to cheat on a massive scale to gain that power is making them more feverish to get their agenda instituted as quickly as possible by whatever means possible. For a long time, we, as conservatives, have lacked a definitive voice and a recognized leader. Now we have one and we should rally behind that leader. Like him or not, we need someone fearless to lead the advance to reclaim our republic. Enough on that.

Mama and I have been talking about taking a mini vacation. I am not sure where we will go – or if we will go – but we are taking about it. We need a break. Some time for us. The daily needs around the farm will keep us from going away for too long, but I feel like we need to go somewhere special. For many years Pensacola had been our default and we will probably look there first.

Time will tell.


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