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Friday, March 19, 2021

New arrivals, packing, Pastor Parrish in Honduras

Mama took the twins to Tractor Supply yesterday and got a few chicks. The store had received a fresh supply of chicks, but Mama had to buy from those chicks that had been left from the last shipment. The new arrivals were kept in the back for 24 hours before they are set out to be sold. So, Mama will go back this morning to purchase from the stock offered in the most recent shipment. Yesterday, the six Bantam chicks she bought were enough to excite the girls. Today, Mama’s additional purchase will excite them further. Mama is planning a very early morning trip to Tractor Supply to make her additional chick purchase because if we wait to late in day the or hold ff until tomorrow, all the chicks he wants to pick from will be gone. I do not know who is buying the chicks as such a fast rate, but the inventory from today will be mosly gone by this evening – tomorrow afternoon at the very latest. The person in charge of the chicks told me and Mama that they sold twelve thousand chicks between March and October last year during what was considered a pandemic. No telling how many they will sell this year but what they receive is always sold out in 24 hours. What a great commodity to be dealing with.

Victoria is off today so she will be available to help Mama get the girls back to Brittany and Andrew. Mama always appreciates the help and the company when she has so many miles to cover. Making sure we get all the items we need to return with the girls is the challenging part. Not the clothing per se, but the shoes and other foot ware, the bedrails needed for the girls, the specialty toys that were brought with them, jackets and coats, special travel cups, etc. I will be at the house to help, but I am not fully aware of all the items we are expected to send back on the return trip. It is always interesting to reassemble the contents of a transferred lodging to ensure those contents are available when arriving back home. I am not sure how many things we have left as a family in our travel at sundry locations across the United States, but I do know they would outfit at least a couple people if they were regathered. Hopefully, we do not force Brittany and Andrew to repurchase any items that should have come home with the girls.

Pastor Parrish, our pastor in Victoria, TX, is in Honduras to preach at the Mission’s Conference for the church there. It was touch and go as to whether or not he would be able to make it to Honduras, but all the details finally worked out at the very last minute. The difficulties started with an outdated passport. The passport agency told him that the new passport would take three weeks to issue. He only had a week before the conference. He bought the tickets to go anyway, and the passport was ready to be picked up the day before he was scheduled to leave. They arrived at the office to get the passport only a few minutes before the office was closing – the evening before he was going to fly out. Talk about cutting it close. But he is there now. The Mission’s Conference will begin tonight and continue through Sunday. Hopefully, the curfew has been lifted and more people will be able to attend the conference. This should be one of the unique experiences of his life. Something that will influence his prayers and mission’s focus for years to come. That is how spending time in Honduras affects me and Mama.

This weekend will be spent finishing work on Mama’s cedar wardrobe. I am a little disappointed with how the shelves turned out. The cabinet is not square, and the shelves are square, so the fit is a little off on each shelf I made. Some wood filler and a little extra fitting work should minimize the substandard effects of the misfit, but I could have done better if I had used other materials for the shelves. I just could not overcome the prices being asked for those materials. Additionally, I do not like the color of the stain we picked for the shelves, but I could not find a color that would match the dark color of the seasoned cedar wood of the cabinet. I am tempted to start over, but I do not know if that is a better solution than just going on with what I have. I will decide that this evening.

Mama will need to rest some this weekend. She has had a very busy week. As she kept the girls she also tried her best to keep up with her business – as well as having parties for other people who are selling other products. Sometimes she gets overbooked. This week we not too bad until last night when she had two parties to attend online and an online training. Fortunately, Victoria and I were here to help with bath time, teeth brushing and finally putting the girls to bed.

This morning they are off.


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