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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Our turn, house news, sales, training

The forecast for yesterday predicted nothing out of the ordinary, hot and dry with a slight chance of rain. So, when it started to rain, we were thrilled. I was at the office as a downpour began so I called Mama to see if it was raining at the farm. For the past few storms that have passed through our area we had been largely skipped over. While friends around us got one to three inches, we had gotten only a quarter inch of rain. Yesterday was an exception. We got well over six inches of rain. Most of that fell in just over two hours with the remainder accumulating throughout the day. Lots of flooding accompanied the storm, particularly on our road. When I got home yesterday, I had to clear a huge among of debris from our little county road in order to have all of the road passable. Mama had cancelled her appointment in Denton because of the flooding and the continuous downpour.

We were expecting more rain overnight but not a large amount. So far, the gauge has registered a half inch of rain. We are anticipating more than an inch will be added to that as the day goes on. We are certainly thankful for the rain and happy it was our turn to get some of the unusually abundant precipitation we have been blessed with lately. The showers this morning are steady and gently. The thunderheads seem to have passed to the East so perhaps the strength of the storm is diminishing. The lightning and thunder that woke us has been muted by virtue of the storms distance from us; however, the dogs have happily taken up residence in the garage until the atmosphere calms down.

On the real estate front, we got a call from our realtor last night. He found a cash buyer for the house in Lawton that we want to sell and was asking our permission to proceed with the offer. I gave that permission.  While the other realtor has dragged out the process for almost three months, Glenn feels we could have the sale concluded by the end of the month with far less out of pocket than the other process required. I feel a little guilty at dropping the other realtor, but he has not been very communicative about the work he is supposedly doing to lure a buyer to the table, and we are tired of waiting. I have been contacting him for updates weekly and hear nothing outside of his very brief responses to those requests. Since there has been no contract signed, we are under no obligation to continue waiting on that realtor. Hopefully, this will be a done deal very soon. That will allow me and Mama to determine where we are financially and what our path forward will be in real estate investing. Both of us are fairly certain that we will not be investing any further in the Lawton area, but that is still a matter of prayer.

This month is shaping up to be Mama’s biggest month ever in Color Street. I think she is managing three parties right now and has had two requests to sign up as stylists from to participants in those parties. She is still looking for an inroad into Canada, but that has proven a more challenging endeavor than we had anticipated. Since Canada is still in a sort of lockdown and internet sales contacts are limited by law, you have to be invited by the participant you are contacting to start those conversations. Mama is hesitant to insert herself into the conversation and it is wise of her to wait for the right opportunity. Her turn will come at just the right time. We are certain of that, but for now we have to tread lightly and keep praying.

I will be teaching a class tomorrow. As an unusual treat I got to hear the entire class presented by a fellow employee yesterday. I share an office space with Ana, who is the monitor of our online classes. I picked up a few pointers and stories during his presentation and I got to see the class from that presenter’s perspective. That gave me some of the insights I have needed to understand how the class is talked about by those who are seeking to alter the format and presentation of the class as it is now being done. That will be helpful understanding the discussions I get to participate in in the coming months. As I tell my classes, forewarned is forearmed. Now I can begin to see the struggle that is brewing with our Instructor Led Training.

This should be fun.


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