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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Not so good farm news, Chase’s raise, Becky in basic

Yesterday when I contacted the bank making us the loan for the farm I did not get very good news. I was told that since the title company had taken so long getting the paperwork to them that the closing will probably be delayed to the point that we will lose our current rate; which expires on the 10th of August. Not only may we lose our rate but the closing may be delayed until sometime after we get back from Maggie’s wedding. We are praying hard that things still work out to make the closing on the 8th, but we will have to deal with whatever comes.

At any rate we will still be able to purchase the farm. When we take possession is the only thing up in the air. I do not expect the rate to change dramatically. With the economy as frail as it is interest rates have not increased much if any, but I do not know how it will be calculated by the lender in this case since this is a land only contract.

Chase got a surprise raise. Mama said he went to talk to the manager of the new Chick-fil-A yesterday and asked if he could be transferred to the new location. That manager asked him to speak to the new manager of the mall location where he is currently working and depending on that “conversation” he would make his decision. When he broached the subject with his current manager she gave him a raise and asked him to stay until she had the store fully staffed. They will talk again when she feels comfortable letting him go. He was ecstatic. He got a raise and he still may get the move.

Mama and I will feel more comfortable getting him out of the mall. Every time we go there we see things that are not healthy for me to see much less a young man of Chase’s age. It seems the baseline for inappropriate dress and behavior has lowered considerably and it is not just teenagers who are pushing the envelope of decency, it is people mine and Mama’s age; people who really do know better. It’s sad, embarrassing and quite disgusting.

Larry the Cable guy once remarked on women wearing spandex that as one particular woman walked through Wal-Mart it looked like two raccoons fighting in a sack and one missionary was told by a local pastor that if it looks like a pan of biscuits it should be covered up. Somewhere along the line there are a lot of people missing that obvious logic. And what’s with young people wearing their pajamas to the mall?

Becky leaves today for basic training somewhere in North Carolina. She seemed really excited up until I talked to her yesterday. The reality of the separation and the dread of the unknown seemed to be sobering her considerably. She will be headed to Little Rock, AK at 7 a.m. and fly from there to her training location. I think she told me she would also be taking her first several training classes at the same location. After some time in Basic she will be able to use her phone, until then we will have to reach her through snail mail. When I get the address I will let everyone know.

I do not fear the emotional stress of her training as much as I fear the physical part – for her sake. Becky is not our most physically accomplished child. She has a quick mind and often has piercing insights that allow her to learn things easily. She has not, however, been one to exercise – even to walk around the block on a regular basis. I will be praying for her more in that area than any other. Do remember Charles also. I am not sure what is happening in his life in her absence, but he will be without Becky until December 2.

It is one of those cases where we truly hope that absence makes the heart grow fonder.


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