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Wednesday, January 9, 2019


Grandpa called last night. It shocked Mama and Grandma. He wanted to update them on the three doctor visits he had since they had left the hospital. The infectious disease doctor, the cardiologist and the gastroenterologist had all visited with him that evening. All the doctors let Grandpa know that they were satisfied with his test results. The cardiologist requested one more test. His last scheduled test is set for noon today. The cardiac care doctor wants to get a look at Grandpa’s heart to make sure everything is as it should be. If that test does not reveal any abnormalities, Grandpa will be released today. Mama and Grandma are worn out. Grandma went to bed at 8 pm. Mama was in bed by 8:30. All three of them, Mama, Grandma and Grandpa, will be relieved when this is over and they can get back to some semblance of normal.

I am not sure if in all the testing the doctors discovered the reason for Grandpa’s bleeding issues, but they uncovered several underlying medical issues that can be addressed in non-invasive ways. The blockage in the spleen still presents an issue. The test this morning is somehow relevant to the blood clot issue Grandpa is apparently having. The doctor’s reason that someone on blood thinners for a length of time ought not have issues with blood clots. However, the clots are forming somewhere in Grandpa’s body. Mama could not remember the name or the argument for the formation of something clot-like that the doctors are looking for in the test this morning, but, if they can see what they suspect, they will know how to treat the problem. Please pray for that wisdom...and for Grandpa. He is good spirits but he is ready to leave the hospital. Ready to go home.

Mama and Grandma will not get to the hospital until near the time Grandpa’s test is to begin. Mama has her third shot of whatever her doctor is putting in her right knee to pad the joint. I am not sure the shots are helping. It is hard to tell with Mama. She still has good days and bad days with both knees. Since she has abandoned all exercises on her left knee, the replaced knee, she is not having too much pain. However, she does not have any more range of motion either. She tries not to complain about it. She knows what my response will be. But it is frustrating to see her more limited after the surgery than before – especially considering the hopes we had of the surgery bringing her far more benefit than it has. Time will tell is the herbal regimen will help with the scar tissue inhibitine that motion, but it is something we can monitor over the next few months. I have at least moderate hope we will see some improvement.

I am working from home again today. It is better than taking sick time. It is a benefit I am thankful this employer will extend. Yesterday working from home worked out well because I had the house to myself through the entire day. Today I will at least have the afternoon to myself. At some point I probably should see a doctor, but the treatment is so common that it is frustrating to pay the admission to have someone tell me what I already know. The caveat is that I cannot prescribe the antibiotics I need to help my body beat back this infection. You would think I would enjoy the company of doctors having grown up among them, but there are non-related health issues I know need to be addressed and I am not willing to succumb to those treatment regimens. Not the least of which is my blood pressure. When I go to the doctor my blood pressure is always high. When I take it at home it is only slightly elevated in the systolic numbers. I can address that with diet and weight loss – neither of which I have had the emotional energy and discipline to do lately. Chalk the resistance to being treated up to my “toxic masculinity”. Regardless, I need help with this current malaise and cough.

I will go see the doctor…maybe tomorrow.


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