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Thursday, January 3, 2019

Weather woes, late start, back to normal

2019 started off with a true taste of winter. Fortunately, here in North Texas, regardless of how cold it gets we can be reasonably assured it will not last long. That is the case this week. We have had temperatures at or near freezing with steady drizzle for several days now. It is the kind of soaking rain that makes all the ground at the farm soft. Squishy. Unpleasant. It is not predicted to dry out much before more rain comes, but temperatures are forecast to be near 70° starting tomorrow – and through the weekend. That should help. It will definitely help me with the projects I have going since Mama will not restrict my outdoor activity in the warmer, drier weather. I told our children as they were growing up in Texas, “If you don’t like the weather, stick around. There is bound to be something you like in a day or two.”  I grew up hearing that, seeing it in practice. It remains true today. Although I don’t respond to the cold as well as I remember being able to do a few years back. What a difference forty years can make.

The rain was freezing on the vehicles yesterday afternoon, but the roads remained clear for the most part. Everyone was able to travel to and from work safely. We were dismissed early so we could get home before dark. Victoria did not have any trouble getting home even though her car was iced over when she left work at 8:30. The rain continued through the night, a steady, soft rain, but temperatures did not get quite as cold as predicted so, things were just wet rather than icy this morning. Still, we were on a two-hour delay at work. That allowed ne to sleep late and have a leisurely morning. I had the option to work from home, but I elected not to. The internet at home is sufficient for our business research, but not so much for what I need to do my current wok-related tasks remotely. I waited to leave until it was light outside, just in case there were bad patched on the roads. It was a wet drive in, nothing more. I assume many offices were on a delayed start time based on the very light traffic this morning.

Mama and I did not go to church last night. She was hurting from shots she had gotten in her right knee – the non-surgically altered knee. She was having trouble getting around as well as trouble finding a comfortable way to sit. Church pews would have been painful for her. I still have nasty cough. It comes in bursts rather than being a steady cough. But when it comes, it lasts for several minutes. My coughing, I am told, is very loud. Not necessarily good for sitting and listening to a sermon. I texted our organist to let her know we would not be there and she responded that she and her husband would not be there either because they were both sick. Mama and I always hate it when we miss. Last night was no exception. We were able to go online and listen to Somerset Bible Baptist’s service. It was good to hear Pastor Miller preach. I miss him and that congregation. It was not the same as being with our family at our church.

Tomorrow should be a “normal” day for us. After a season of dinners, parties and other special events, it will be nice to be back to normal.


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