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Friday, June 14, 2019

Maggie, cash flow, Brittany

What to do? A friend of Maggie’s took her to the hospital last night because Maggie was so excessively tired that she was not able to function in normally. As expected, all the test results came back either normal or inconclusive. I have my own theories as to what is going on, but I will withhold those judgements for now. Mama talked with the friend this morning about the situation and neither of them was satisfied with any immediate solution they could see. We are not sure what our response should be, but Mama wants to fly to Wilmington and bring Maggie and the kids back to the farm. At a one-way flight cost of $500, and the remaining cost of travel in Maggie’s vehicle from Wilmington to our farm (1300 miles of driving – eighteen hours - and gas plus meals and at least one night in a hotel: $650.) I am not thrilled with the idea because it only addresses the travel in one direction. It does not solve how we would get Maggie and the kids back home once the current situation is resolved.

Mama called me very early and asked me to pray about letting her go to Wilmington – and finding a way to cover those costs. I asked in response that we pray that the Lord helps Maggie snap out of her current emotional collapse. That He restores her quickly. On her own. Without extensive outside caregiving. It is impossible to know what is on the head or heart of any person, but I hesitate to assume that we are the solution in every one of these situations. When we are, Mama and I do not mind making ourselves accessible, but we cannot automatically assume that that is the case. God is bigger than that.

Aaron is at sea and unable to come home right now. To send him home again for another medical emergency would certainly impact his career in a negative way. So, I am not sure that is the right solution either. I know the Lord has the answer at hand, we just have to pray and be ready to respond as directed when directed. As her Mom and Dad, Mama and I will do whatever is needed to make sure Maggie’s needs are met, but I am not certain this morning what is truly needed. If we bring Maggie to the farm, Aaron will have to get to us to get his family back home. Too many variables to suit me.

Meanwhile, Mama and I are wrestling to balance financial promises we have made and financial obligations we have with the cash we have available. It is a workable situation if we are prayerful, careful, and frugal. Any deviation from what we must get done has to be avoided until we sell one of the two houses we are now remodeling. We are at the point that I am considering selling the truck, the tractor and one trailer to get us over the hump. But even that will take some time to accomplish. By all indications, we are only a six to ten weeks away from selling one house, but in financial equivalencies that is a very long timeframe. Eventually it will all work out. It always does. We just have to be very prudent while we resolve our cash flow issues.

In response to cashflow issues, Mama and I applied with a bank in Lawton for a line of credit on the houses we have purchased there, but even with the houses as collateral that application may be rejected. We will know something for certain today. By next week at the latest. I will not be disappointed if that falls through. I would much rather work this business on a cash only basis if possible. But it seemed prudent to ask if we could borrow against the houses we own outright to make the repairs to those houses as we get them ready to market or rent. Most of the borrowing would be on a very short-term basis. Six to eight months on average.

Last night, as Victoria had Grandpa working on her car, she and Mama debated the best way to get Brittany and the twins to the farm. Plans had been set for Victoria to drive to Brittany’s today but her car was having issues that needed to be remedied before she could leave. Victoria, Brittany and the girls would drive to the farm Sunday afternoon. Brittany and the girls would then spend the week with us. I am not certain what decision was made, if any, concerning traveling today, but I did hear a discussion about meeting Brittany halfway tomorrow afternoon.

All told this could be a very interesting weekend.


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