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Friday, November 22, 2019

Shopping, spending

Mama and I went out last night to look at pellet grills. One of the stores in our area has them on sale until Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, they did not have any at the price we were looking for specifically. Maybe that is not to unfortunate. As much as we would use one, we are not really in need of one and the money we would use on that could probably be spent in more useful ways. We did look at oil less turkey fryers. They are much cheaper than a pellet grill, but less functional in the long run. Plus, I do not want to add another countertop appliance to the large collection we already have at the house. So, we went home empty handed. Technically, not a bad thing. As far as being able to do all the cooking – especially of the turkeys – for this Thanksgiving, we have enough appliances to handle the load without any additional purchases this year. Yet still, Mama is researching a air fryer, which is basically the same thing as the oil less fryer we looked at, to see if it would be useful to us long term. so, it is still on the prospective purchase list.

It is probably a good thing we did not spend any money we did not need to spend. I got a text from our realtor this morning that he will need an additional $5,000 from us to cover material and labor costs for the work in progress on our houses. I called to confirm and to ask how far we are away from completing and marketing the houses and he let me know that we are within days of getting all the trim up and the painting done. I am not sure when the houses will be listed, but we are that close. The unfortunate part of the picture is that I will be required to ask the bank for more money to make all that happen. I am not thrilled about that, but if the bank will work with me, we should be done very soon. if the bank balks, I may have a problem. In addition to all the expenses and costs of completing the houses, I checked our business mailbox this morning. Among the items in the mailbox were 2019 tax bills for the two houses. Total - about $2000. Time to take a deep breath, pray earnestly and watch the Lord work it all out. Mama and I will probably go to Lawton to see the progress on the houses this coming Monday afternoon. That remains to be seen, but that is the plan right now.

For his weekend, I have not made any plans as far as projects around the farm are concerned. We have to go to Seth and Gabriella’s house for a mid-day meal Saturday. That will take up most of the afternoon hours of daylight, so I have only a few hours in the morning to do anything outside. Mama has let me know we need an additional space for the baby goats as they are weaned. That will require me to speed up the work on the pig area. We can repurpose that yard and building for the little ones to use. It is the only shelter I have to offer right now, but for that to work, I have to finish the attached yard. I think I still have a few weeks to complete the project before it is needed which will allow me to work on it over the Thanksgiving holiday. Weather permitting. It would be nice to have it completed before I begin traveling following week.

I will have to wait and see how all that works out as the weekend and the following week progresses. on the very bright side, I work only Monday and part of Wednesday nest week. I am looking forward to the short work week with a lengthened holiday celebration.


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