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Friday, January 22, 2021

Hawk attack, a question of when, our need to work

Yesterday afternoon, Brittany Wycoff came over to get a refresher walkthrough on the routine of feeding all our animals. As we started out of the door of the sunroom, we saw something happening at the front of the coop, but we were not able to make out what it was. As we got closer, we saw a chicken being eaten on by a hawk that had just recently killed it. The chicken while it was one of our newest and smallest ones was larger than the hawk that had claimed its life. Even still when we got very close to the hawk, it tried to lift the chicken off the ground to carry it away. The chicken was too heavy for the hawk to manage and it was only able to drag it a couple feet before it abandoned the effort. And unhurriedly flew off. It perched in a nearby tree and waited.

As we went about feeding the flocks and herds the hawk swooped down directly in front of Mama and Brittany to try once more to collect the chicken which I had set on top of the burn barrel. Mama’s scream was unmistakable from where I was at the goat barn. I decided we had to frighten off the hawk determinedly. That required a shot of buckshot into the tree where the hawk was perching. I eventually disposed of the dead chicken. We hope the issue is resolved but hunters like easy prey and I am afraid our chickens are too often easy prey because Mama does not like for them to be cooped up, thus offering them to the hawks as the chickens peck and scratch around the property. As far as we are able to determine, this is the first time a hawk has killed one of our flock, but we cannot be entirely sure.

Mama will spend the day chauffeuring Grandma, Grandpa and Normal around Wichita Falls. I am not sure what they need to shop for, but Mama will be worn out by the time they all get home. Grandma is not able to keep up the pace of Grandpa and Norman so she will be the determining factor in the length of the excursion. Mama made her list last night but I am not fully aware of the contents so this afternoon will be a surprise for me. Based on our travel next week – Lord willing – she will be getting some of the final items we need to pack along with us, but I am confident there will be sundry extra items. It should be a fun day for all of them.

I hesitate to write more because I am not at all pleased with the leadership in our country at this point. God is still in control and I want to cautiously share a link with you that expresses a timeframe for the Rapture that is very short. Our pastor feels that there is some sound thinking regarding the proof of the timeline offered and the explanation offered for that timeline.

I am not sure about the accuracy of this presentation, but it is certainly a wakeup call to believers to get busy taking of those Spiritual issues that are keeping us from consecrating our lives to the Lord. At the very least, we need to be reminded that “now” is the only time we have in which to serve the Lord. None of us is promised tomorrow. God has been very gracious to me and Mama. This year I will turn 65 years old. Thirty-nine of those years have been spent with Mama as my wife. If that is not grace, I do not know a better example to offer.

I have far less years ahead of me than I do behind me and there is growing sense of urgency that I need to be doing more. I am not sure what that more is other than to witness more, to pray more, to offer my time, energy and finances in whatever task God lays upon my heart. But I know there is more to do and my time is shorter today than it was yesterday. I appreciated the reminder that this presentation offered. I love serving the Lord and by His Grace will continue to do so for whatever time I have remaining on this Earth. It is far past time for all of us to conscientiously begin sharing His Grace with those who do not know Him.

Mama has us scheduled to get out COVID tests done Monday. It is one test I hope to fail again. That is, fail to show any signs of the virus so I can get very positive negative. This is the key to getting us on the plane. I know God is able.


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