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Friday, January 8, 2021

One word for the year, an interesting forecast, plans

Mama was recommended a book titled, One Word that Can Change Your Life. There are several listed authors, but the first listed author is Jon Gordon. The basic premise of the book is allowing the Lord to give you one single word that will be the focus of your attention and the director of your actions – your basic motivation – for the year. Mama prayed about it for some time but finally was lead to the word, Purpose. I can say that having that point of focus has definitely given her more energy to get things done. My word, chosen before I knew about the book, which I have now also read, is Now. I can say honestly that that one word has changed my focus and enabled me to eliminate procrastination in most areas of my life. I simply ask myself, “If it has to be done, why not do it now?” It certainly has helped me keep busy and organize my time effectively. Mama has begun getting things done on purpose and with purpose. It has been fun to watch. I would highly recommend the book. It takes only an hour or so to read and it is helpful in initiating the process of getting the idea formulated I your head and outlining the prayer focus required to succeed in finding your word for the year.

We have an interesting forecast for this weekend. We are forecast to have at least two inches of snow fall through Sunday. It will start – if the forecast is accurate – in the very early morning Sunday and increase throughout the day. Whether or not it will cause us problems remains to be seen. So far, the ground has not really frozen deeply. We have had a couple frosts but never any cold temperatures that last more than a few hours just before dawn. Almost every daytime temperature has been well above freezing. That is due to continue for the next several weeks, but we will at least have several nights in a row at or below freezing. Mama is already dreading it, but nothing may come of it. I enjoy the snow, I just do not enjoy it after effects; the muck and slime of thawing ground.

I have little planned this weekend as far as farm chores are concerned. I will concentrate on tractor work since my back is still tender. I need to clean and level the old pig pen area before it gets rained on again, or snowed on, whichever may be the case. I will do most of that with the tractor. I need to dismantle about twenty pallets to gather the wood I need to line the inside of the barn lot well house, but the weather may prevent me from getting started on that. I do not tolerate the cold as well as I used to. Maggie told Mama that the temperature there this morning was 8° F. I used to not mind those weather condition, but I have grown unaccustomed to them. When Mama and I lived in Kansas City, Missouri I often spent hours each day out in extremely cold conditions, but I am not thirty years old anymore and it hurts more than it used to hurt me to be exposed to those extremes. I can only hope Maggie and Aaron and the kids learn to enjoy it. I know there are plenty of enjoyable outdoor winter activities available to them, if they choose to participate while they live in Upper Michigan.

In spite of the goings on in our nation’s capital, I intend to keep on working until the Lord calls me home. There is plenty to do and if I am going to be a good steward of this life, I need to be about doing those things the Lord has laid on my heart to do. Whether I can get them all done or not before He calls me home is not my commission. I am to be advancing each project in spite of the obstacles life and circumstances bring to thwart those efforts. God will bless faithfulness and I hope to be faithful to the end. I can only do that through God’s grace and power, and He can only bless those things that bring Him the Honor and Glory. So, our course is set. Do what honors our Lord and set aside those things that do not. Not and easy assignment but a clear and simple one.

One I can, with His leading, follow.


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