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Thursday, January 7, 2021

Updates, a glad song, life as usual

 Well, it looks like they got away with the steal. I am not sure why we allowed it to happen, but the Liberals got their wish and Donald Trump will be a one term president. That is sad for our nation on multiple counts. The changes they are insisting on making within our nation will have long-lasting and disastrous effects on each and every one of us, but sadly, they will probably not be held accountable for the ruin they force upon us. Watch the stock market over the next twelve months to track the results of unsound fiscal policy. Watch the housing market for the subtle signs of the financial damage inflicted by those policies on everyday Americans. Watch the border to see just how many illegals cross into the United States over the next twelve to twenty-four months and you will be able to see the great changes they are raving about. A sad day for all Americans. Especially sad for those of us who see the truth right in front of our eyes.

The violence on Capital Hill last night is uncalled for. We cannot condone it, but I can certainly understand it. After months of Antifa being praised and extoled for the violence they have perpetrated on us (remember the CHOP zone in Seattle, the retired police officer killed by rioters in Detroit?) it would seem only fair to return the favor, but that is not the answer. The fact that it happened to those very individuals that are allowing the election to be stolen was a warning of the deep and festering anger they have instilled in many Americans. Hopefully, the fight has not been taken out of us but rather inspired within us. However, the real answer is a revival. A turning to God. Sadly, the America we see before us now is not willing to look at truth as defined by the Bible. We will remain true to our faith, but rest assured a persecution against us who so believe is gaining momentum. We may not escape this calendar year without feeling its touch on us personally. God help us!

Nevertheless, God is in control. We may be beginning to see the judgement of the Lord. I do not know, but I read an article recently that told that 42.7 million abortions were performed worldwide in 2020 – making it the leading cause of death worldwide!

This certainly cannot go unnoticed by our God. So, what should we do? We should continue to live our lives in faith and seek after those who will be saved. We should bring as many as we can to Heaven with us. As many as are willing to trust the Lord Jesus Christ to save them. As many as will repent and turn to Him. Our commission has not changed. Our charge is still to seek the lost and to disciple new believers. To sing confidently the songs of Zion, the old hymns of the faith. To live our lives in such a way that our witness cannot be evil spoken of. To pray for our nation and to keep the faith. In the end we will win. We live for that moment while we endure this one.

Meanwhile, back at the farm, Mama and I moved goats Tuesday evening. We put all the babies back with the nanny goats, their weaning complete. We put Lilly with Julian in the small enclosure and we put Millie with Midas. The boy goats went crazy having a female introduced into their midst. Julian, who we needed to get out of the paddock once we introduced Millie into the paddock refused to be distracted from casing Millie about, but Victoria managed to grab a couple handfuls of his coat on his hips and detained him long enough for me to get a leash on him. In helping me get Julian stopped and positioned for the collar to be placed over his head, she wrapped her arm around his neck. His neck was sticky and matted from his constantly spraying his face and neck with his own urine. It was just a little gross. Victoria lost her appetite for a couple hours as the smell lingered on her arm in spite of several attempts to wash it off.

Mama and I also moved the young chickens from the little coop into the big coop. Most of our mature chickens prefer the East side of the coop. Only a few roost overnight in the West side so we introduced the younger birds into the West side of the coop. I had to take the time to seal off access under the building because we had had problems with several of the young birds not roosting in the coop but rather staying under to little coop building overnight. The little coop is small enough for us to reach them with a stick and coax them out. On the large coop, that is not possible. So far, they are acclimating well in the larger building. We will keep a close eye on them just in case something unusual comes up but for now, all seems well. They do not realize what is happening in the political world.

So, our life goes on as usual for now. Thank God we are in Texas through all of this.


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