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Friday, April 9, 2010

plastic bags, Easter leftovers at 1/2 off, computer time

If your home is like mine you have at least one of those “socks “ that are used to stuff plastic grocery bags into to be pulled out later from the bottom to be reused. It is good to recycle, but I have no idea how we accumulate so many of these bags - we have two of these holders overstuffed with them. While we were living in West Virginia, we simply called them “Kroger” bags. I have thought about pulling all of them out and counting them, but it would only irritate me.

We cleaned up on Easter leftover's at Walmart. My wife has assembled baskets for our children for as long as we have had children. I am sure there was a little disappointment on the part of our children when they learned no baskets would be waiting for them Easter morning.

When we got back from vacation, I immediately started back to work – which took away from Mama the only car she could have used to run the errands to get the necessary items. So, we waited until after Easter to send out the goodies. Maybe it really is better late than never.

I have to finish early when I write at home since I have to share this computer with my son. I defer to him because his blog is actually making money, mine just uses up computer time. It also seems more necessary to him than to me. I don't facebook, twitter of message online. I am stuck in the early 90's when computers were tools rather than social networking machines. I my generation, we used phones for that. Believe it or not, I still write real letters. Someone has to support the post office.

Sad news from West Virginia, Twenty-seven people died in a coal mine explosion just outside Charleston. It is always a great loss to lose a loved one, but to lose one in such a way as this is beyond tragic. It is reason enough to keep your accounts short with those you love. We do not know when the last “Goodby” will be said.

I try to kiss my wife often and hug my children as often as possible. Every time I leave her immediate presence, I want her to know that I love her.

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