After we ate lunch and looked over the dress we had brought to show Brittany we went to a local attraction; Capulin Volcano National Monument. It was only about ten minutes from the restaurant and was highly recommended by the waitress there. It was fun to walk down into the crater which towered about three thousand feet above the plains. From there we could begin to see the hills and long cooled lava flows that had influenced the plains after the eruptions had ceased. It was well worth the trip.
In the Sierra Grande restaurant there were prints done by a local artist. All of them were very high quality but two really captured my attention. One that Mama and I liked best was already sold out – they are limit edition prints. The other I will probably buy when we go back over for Andrew’s graduation. It is of an older gentleman reading the King James Bible by the fireside. The title is “Line Camp Comfort.” I was just telling Mama that morning about the never ending task of riding fence in some of the large ranches in the south. Line camps are strategically set so the cowboys will have someplace to retreat to in bad weather. They are typically very primitive, but do provide a roof and a bed.
We split up after visiting the volcano and I think Brittany beat us in our separate journeys home. Mama and I had a long stretch of fifty five miles per hour leaving New Mexico. I guess they think all Texans are speeders that need to be slowed down so they lowered the speed limit on entry to their state. It was about a ten hour day for us.
Her pup, Lucy, is a Chihuahua/Dachshund mix called a Chi-weenie. It is a very active pup but not much bigger than a large rat. It has settled down a good bit since the first few hours free in our home. It has already learned the potty routine of exiting the back door and whimpering or scratching at the door to get back in. Mama leaves food out for it at all times and periodically it will pick up several prices and carry them to some other location to eat them. We are used to that with Rosie.
Mama mentioned that we were going to have to take three dogs with us to Florida. My firm answer was, No we weren’t. I was not doing that to Cori and Nate. She will have to figure out something else; just like I am not going to ask Grandma and Grandpa to keep the pup while Mama is away in New Jersey. Dodger can stay outside on the farm. Rosie can stay with Grandma and Grandpa. We will have to figure out what to do with the pup. Without a fenced yard at the farm it could be very difficult to contain the runt.
I think Grandma and Grandpa are going to get rid of Sasha. She bit Grandpa this weekend as he was putting her up for the evening. That we will not tolerate. I have been ready to get rid of them for some time. I do not know if Samson will stay or not, but I am ready to cut our losses. I am dog and horse poor at the farm and we have the burros to protect stock should the need arise. I will have to sit on the sidelines and wait to see how the situation plays out.
Grandpa got the sprayer working and was putting down either fertilizer or lime as Victoria called Saturday morning.
Another little success.