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Monday, April 16, 2012

Getting older, pest issues, good preaching

Joshua turned 29 years old over the weekend. It is a little humbling to have a child that age. I am reminded of Pastor Miller talking about preacher’s conference. For years he was among the young preacher’s grouping in that conference; not any more. Now even Pastor Fisher feels like he is shifting to the more “seasoned” group of preachers. Well, Mama and I are shifting to the more seasoned group of parents. One day, if the Lord tarries, we will have grandchildren that age.

Of course, as Mama was mentioning it to Grandma, she had to remark that she has a child turning fifty years old this year. I have no idea what to do for Mama’s fiftieth birthday. She says it’s not important, but it should be. By that time our finances may have recovered somewhat. Time will tell.

Mama stayed behind in Bowie and will be there most of the week. She is worried about Grandma and Grandpa taking on too much in the move. Victoria is still nursing a badly sprained thumb so she is limited in her ability to help. I think it was a good decision on Mama’s part. I regret not being able to stay, but that is the way things worked out.

We should have the electric hooked up today. The water is already connected. The septic work is supposed to begin today. Everything was held off from last week, but there seems to be a reasonable expectation to get the work done today and tomorrow, so the move can commence today. Grandma and Grandpa do not have a lot of things to relocate. Victoria does not either.

The kitchen in the mobile home needs some cabinet work and everything needs a thorough cleaning but other than that it should be an easy move. The little house will be used for storage of our excess stuff for the present. Since I will be the one doing the work related to its remodeling and I have few days available to do that work, it will catch our overflow until I am ready to tear into it.

We have tried three places in Bowie for storage and have always reverted back to the little house. It is definitely cheaper. It is not cleaner. My concern is that the pests we fight because of being on the farm will only hurt what we store in the little house with its established population of insects and rodents. If Mama and I do finally move before we get the house finished, the storage needs will increase dramatically and I am not sure I want my things sitting on those floors. I am surprised Grandma and Mama are okay with the idea.

Speaking of pests, we are really battling the bugs that are doing their best to destroy our garden. So far the potato bugs and several types of caterpillars have infested the young growth and wrecked havoc. Mama and I bought some dust to put on the plants to kill the bugs but we held off since there were predictions of severe storms on Saturday and Sunday. Hopefully today and tomorrow Mama and Grandpa can apply the powder and begin to do battle against the multi-legged enemy. At this point we are greatly outnumbered.

It was good to be back in Central Baptist Church last night. I have missed the preaching. I got to see a young man who has recently been saved in our church, but he and his family are moving to Georgia to be closer to his ailing parents. He was there before the service to say one last goodbye. His son was a real delight in our Children’s Church. Brother York and Brother Fries preached and both of them did a great job.

It is hard to find good preaching these days. It is good to have access to some.


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