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Friday, December 14, 2012

A working vacation, adapting to changes, vet visit

I took off from work early yesterday since I had a pretty light load. My main push for the extra time was to get to Nocona Lumber and trade some of the lumber I had already paid for in order to get the materials to prepare the roof for the metal roofing. I needed fifty six sixteen foot two by six pieces for the rafters and lathing as well as thirty three for the ceiling trusses in the apartment. As it turned out it was a pretty close trade as far as money was concerned. I will end up paying about fifty dollars difference.

Grandpa convinced me to make a change in alignment of the ceiling joists which required the longer material. But I can make the span in sixteen feet across the apartment, so it is a savings overall. As for the roof, I have to have the longer pieces in order to cover the distance between the rafters I will have to build to accommodate the increased depth in the apartment. Stretching the apartment out the extra five feet changed the roofline to be above the existing metal pipes. On the short side of the shop roof I can attach the wood to the existing pipes. The roofing can them be attached directly to that. The materials will be delivered today along with the windows we ordered. I hope to have it all used up by the time our stuff is delivered.

We are back to expecting rain today. All in all, the predictions are for a little less than half an inch today and through the night. We will take all we can get for the sake of the ground, but I am happy I cancelled the delivery of our stuff for today. I am praying that we can get a least a large portion of the roof on before our things finally arrive on the 27th. Now, in addition to a lack of funds, the pigtail for the trailer on the little truck is not working so we have no lights on the trailer when towing it with that truck. I do not want to take it to get the metal if I could get a ticket for using it without lights. The big truck, Grandpa’s diesel, is still down and could be for some time.

As it turned out, it was a very good thing I took the time off yesterday afternoon since Mama scheduled the vet to come to the farm to doctor our ailing heifers. It was not until we were on our way to Nocona that the vet actually got back to us, but since I was sitting beside Mama in the car she got the okay for the visit. He came out about 2:30. Both of the calves were examined and both had a lot of congestion in the lungs with a high fever. Their temperatures were above 106 degrees. The vet explained that a black calf in the sun on a day like yesterday will have a normal temperature of about 101.

Each calf got two shots with extra meds left with us to give each afternoon for today and tomorrow. We were told if the fever had not come down by Saturday afternoon to give him a call. We have the calves separated and have sanitized the water trough they were sharing with the rest of the herd. We did not see that contamination point until yesterday which is odd since Grandpa and Grandma have been irritating meticulous about keeping things clean and separate. I have no idea how much the visit actually cost us. Mama will settle up today at their office. I plan on sitting down when she tells me how much but it was one of those unavoidable expenses associated with the business of raising cattle – especially such young ones. If each of them produces only one calf, we will be amply rewarded.

Mama and I are going to dig out all of my EMT gear to put into use for the calves; stethoscope, thermometer, gauze and bandages, sterile dressings and gloves, etc. We have more than enough to set up shop for ourselves. All I will need from the vet are the meds since I know what to look for and what to listen for during an examination. All Mama’s and my clinical training will finally be put to use.

In all the things we seem to be short of on the farm, I did not think we were short on doggie beds. But I stand corrected.


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