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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Maggie’s breakdown, Cori, Nate and the kids

Maggie called me yesterday evening as we were getting ready for church. She was taking a friend to the base for a class the friend was either taking or teaching; I am not clear on that. On the way her vehicle started to make a very loud, very horrible sound so Maggie pulled over and shut it down. At the time of the breakdown, they were either on the base or very neat it. As Maggie tells the story, there was an older gentleman working in a field nearby who heard the death throws of the engine and came over to help.

The very impressive part of the story is that Maggie knew what had caused the noise. When the man asked her about it she was able to tell him that a spark plug had “come loose”. I have never had that happen so I have no idea what noise that is, but it got the mans attention. He explained that he was mechanic and might be able to help. Maggie was already in tears by this time.

She popped the hood, restarted the engine long enough for the mechanic to get his bearings and see what needed to be done, and then shut the engine off. Aaron keeps tools in the vehicle at all times so the man went right to work. It was fixed in about ten minutes and they were back on the road – late for class but not absent. You know and I know that the engine parts the man had to work with were very hot at that point, but by God’s grace he was able to make the repair. Maggie was very relieved; so was her friend. Whoever that older gentleman was, I hope God blesses him in a special way. He was a special blessing to our daughter.

Maggie also told me that she has not received the papers she is required to have in order to travel to Alaska with Aaron. I am not completely sure what is lacking but it is enough to delay their departure and complicate the transition to his new duty station. It is another point of frustration for her. You know the routine; the car only breaks down while her husband is away, the papers don’t come because her husband is away, etc. But the Lord has provided help to her at every turn, when she takes time to look.

The man God put on location to fix her car is proof enough that the Lord is carefully looking out for her…and each of us. She was praising the Lord for His goodness to her. Every now and then God names his blessing to us pretty hard to miss. That was one.

Mama and Victoria are heading to Florida Sunday morning. The plan is to get Cori and the kids and head back on Tuesday. Cori is in need of a break. I was not in favor of the rescue until after I talked it over with Nate, but the timing seems to be good all the way around. They well arrive at the farm a few days before Grandma and Grandpa leave for West Virginia so the visit will have an extended impact within the family. I am still not sure if it is a good plan but it is the one we are going with.

Cori and Nate are arriving this morning somewhere in Indiana or Ohio. I do not remember which. I am not sure if those choices are the correct destination but they are attending a wedding for one of Nate’s siblings. Again, I am not sure who is getting married, but they left last night to make the trip. They will return home late Sunday night – more like early Monday morning. Mama and Victoria will be there to greet them. Monday will be repacking and resting. Tuesday will be traveling to Bowie, TX. Getting to the farm has been a priority for Grant for several months.

I hope it still meets his expectations.


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