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Friday, March 8, 2013

Medical needs, work delays, Mama’s girls

Maggie has been going through some difficult times lately. Most of the problems are due to mild to severe dehydration. With the baby growing in the womb and the body constantly seeking to increase the amount of amniotic fluid – from water intake – she has not learned to drink water enough for the new needs. A pregnant woman does not necessarily need to eat for two, but in the first couple trimesters she should be drinking enough water for two.

Mama showed me a little video taken while Maggie was getting an ultrasound yesterday. The miracle of pregnancy and birth still rank among the highest of God’s everyday miracles; most of which we take completely for granted. In the video you could clearly see the very tiny infant moving around. What a wonder!

Becky, too has been going through some rough times medically speaking. She has been experiencing some severe back pain lately. A general physician told her yesterday that she has two tumors on her spine. The growths are suspected at this point to be fatty tumors but she will go for more conclusive testing soon. We will be praying for a good outcome but the prognosis is that surgery will be required. I am not sure what can be done herbally but I am looking into it. Meanwhile, remember her I your prayers.

Mama and Grandma are going to take a loaf of the Friendship bread to the man and his son who advocated for us with the drilling company. It was because of their diligence that the company made the decision to use another access to the new drilling site as opposed to driving past our farm. We know it was God’s doing, but it is right to thank the people He used to accomplish that purpose. It will be a good opportunity to witness to them. The relief to Grandma and Grandpa cannot be measured.

Both Grandpa and I were too tired to finish the septic line last night. I would have forced myself if he was up to it and probably vive versa. Both of us were happy to put off the work. We are planning on getting it done this evening. With the prediction of rain for Saturday and Sunday we would both like to get the ditch filled in and graveled over before it gets too wet. I am hoping to have the time Saturday morning before the rain to put on the ridge cap. It may not work out that way, but I am planning for it. It is one of those things that take up quite a bit of time but are important final details.

If Mama does not drag me off to the outlet Malls on Saturday (because of rain stopping our construction work) I will get at least one window cut it and get the outlet boxes nailed in place so Grandpa and I can run the electric to the apartment. The insulation and sheetrock are waiting on me at the Nocona Building center. All I have to do is go and get it. Praise the Lord, I am almost ready.

Mama is becoming somewhat of a chicken whisperer. She has figured out that the hens lay better when the feed is fresh and when they are allowed out of the coop. When their confinement is long we only get three or four eggs. When they are free to get out and play we get seven or more. Emptying their feed trough and filling it with fresh feed also brings better laying results. I am not sure if they are missing something in their diet that going out in the grass allows them to find or if they are a bunch of moody females.

Either way getting out pleases them. Very much like Mama.


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