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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Saying goodbye, lower costs, mineral rights( ?), almost dry

Cori, Nate and the kids stayed at the farm late enough to get in on the morning feeding one last time before they left. She texted me on their way out of Bowie yesterday morning to tell me that they would be stopping for gas in Decatur. When they got to a local landmark she texted me again, so I left work and drove to the gas station and met them there. I ended up right behind them as they pulled up to the pump. I had not gotten to say a proper goodbye to the kids the night before so I took the opportunity to do so.

I did not know that Nate had told the kids there would be a surprise waiting for them when they stopped for gas. They were excited to find out what the surprise was. They were thrilled when I showed up. It was a nice moment. I helped in the potty break and reloading processes then we left and went our separate ways.

Cori told Mama from that point on Blake kept asking if the car following them was Grammy and Papi. When they stopped for gas were they going to see Papi again? It was worth the little bit of confusion for me. I am hoping it was also worth it for mommy and daddy as they continued home. They arrived safely something after eleven o’clock last night.

I got a call from the person who is getting the wire that I need to connect the shop and apartment to the meter base set for that purpose. He has taken several days to get me the information I needed. We spoke Tuesday evening and the cost he was estimating was pretty expensive. The cost of the wire alone was adding up to almost $500. When we talked yesterday he had found a three in one assembly of wire that would serve my purpose for the price of one single strand of the wire he would have normally ordered. The cost will be less than $200. Conduit and all the other parts, including the wire, should be just over $350. That was good news.

I also got word from the lawyer we have been in contact with that the mineral rights are ours to claim. They passed to us with the deed. I am still feeling a little apprehensive about claiming them but I am reasonably assured that we have the right to do so. I do not know if the heirs have any mineral rights other than those in question but I will make a few calls to confirm some questions before I proceed. At this point I am hesitantly claiming victory, but the fight has not begun yet.

Through the almost two inches of rain we have gotten over that past three days, the apartment has remained mostly dry. I still have a few places I need to work on to get it completely dried in, but we are close.


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